The Heath Herald



Week of March 10


Dear Heath Families,


Ramadan Mubarak! Sending wishes for a peaceful Ramadan for all the families that celebrate.


Daylight saving time begins today- don’t forget to ‘spring forward’ an hour!

We wish all our families a happy spring break where you take time to rest, recharge and play. We can’t wait to see you back at school on Monday, March 31st.


2025 Enrollment

One of the main tasks that we focus on at this time of year is to begin planning for the next school year, both in terms of school enrolment and staffing. To help plan properly, we would ask that families inform the school as early as possible if your child will not be returning to Heath in September 2025. It is important that our enrolment numbers be as accurate as possible at each grade level so that staffing can meet the needs of our school population, and we can have the smoothest possible school opening in September. If you will be leaving our community, notifications of your plans in writing would be appreciated. Also, if you have neighbours moving into the area, encourage them to register as soon as possible to ensure attendance at Heath for September.


Code of Conduct- Thunderbirds RISE

For the month of March, staff are recognizing students that are demonstrating Respect for Ourselves, Respect for Others, or Respect for Our Place in every learning space. Please help us celebrate the students that have been recognized for showing exemplary behaviourthis past week and have earned a Thunderbolt:

March 3-7

Div. 1- Jasmine

Div. 2- Pierre

Div. 3- Jasleen

Div. 4- Bableen

Div. 5- Sagar

Div. 6- Hafsa

Div. 7- Tejas

Div. 8- Midas

Div. 9- Zobair

Div. 10- Yuvraj

Div. 11- Sitayesh

Music- Yuvraj in Div. 8

Principal’s Recognition- Farah in Div. 1




We have new Heath Thunderbirds spirt wear available that all members of the family can have! If you are looking for something small to show off your Thunderbird pride, then consider our new Thunderbirds Lanyards that are being sold at the office for $5 each.



Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration takes place mid-February each year. A child may be registered to attend Kindergarten in September if his or her fifth birthday occurs on or before December 31st of the current year. This would be for children born in 2020.

Kindergarten registration for the 2024/2025 school year will take place either online from February 10-21, 2024, or in person at Heath on February 18-20 from 9:00am-12:00pm. For verification of your catchment area school, please check the School Locator.

Please have the following documents ready to upload with your child’s registration (all documents must be received for registration to be accepted):

  1. Proof of citizenship and birth date for the student (Canadian birth certificate or Canadian passport), or Permanent Card (PR Card) (registration will not be accepted until proof of birth date is received).
  2. Proof of citizenship for the parent (Canadian birth certificate, Canadian passport, permanent resident card).
  3. BC Services Card
  4. Proof of Residency (Property Tax assessment for 2025 if you own your home or if you rent – tenancy/ purchase/rental agreement or rental receipt).

If you would like to verify your catchment or read more about registration, please visit the following link.



District News

2025/2026 School Year Budget

In preparation for development of the 2025/2026 budget, the Delta Board of Education is encouraging parents/caregivers, staff, partners, and rights-holders to share their priorities for the upcoming school year by 5p.m. on March 14, 2025.

You can provide your feedback by:

  • Completing a short online survey
  • Sending an email to
  • Sending a letter to Delta School District, 4585 Harvest Drive, Delta, B.C., V4K 5B4
  • Talking to your school’s PAC


Please click here (or copy and paste this url into your browser ) to learn more about this year’s consultation process.


PAC News


PAC Movie night on February 28th was a big success! Thank you to all the families that came out for the event.


Exciting News! Very soon, families are once again able to order a special Lunch, organized by our PAC. Please see below for a list of upcoming dates for Fresh Slice Pizza. All orders will close the Tuesday before the PAC Pizza delivery date. PAC Pizza orders are available at These special lunches are happening at the same time as our Hot Meal Program. Please make sure that your child is connected to the appropriate teacher/division and that you have ordered the pizza option BEFORE placing your orders. If you would like to volunteer an hour of your day once or twice a month to help hand out the pizza, please email

April 9 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, April 1.

April 23 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, April 15

May 21 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, May 6

May 28 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, May 20

June 18 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, June 10


What new initiatives or ideas that will benefit the school would you like to see the PAC fundraise for? Please email your thoughts to:

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining the Heath PAC Facebook page Heath PAC



School Calendar


Thursday, March 13 Purim
Monday, March 17- Friday, March 28 Spring Break (School is Closed)
Monday, March 31 First Day of Eid-al-Fitr
Tuesday, April 1 Deadline for PAC Pizza
Wednesday, April 2 PAC Meeting 6:00pm
Thursday, April 3 Heath Heritage Fair 1:30pm
Monday, April 7- Wednesday, April 9 Camp Jubilee






Week of February 25


Dear Heath Families,

We encourage all students and staff to wear pink on Wednesday this week to advocate for kindness and inclusivity. This annual event takes place on the last Wednesday of February where people wear a pink-coloured shirt to remind each other that everyone deserves kindness and acceptance.


Code of Conduct- Thunderbirds RISE

For the month of February, Respect for Our Place has been highlighted. Each week teachers will recognize students that have demonstrated ‘Respect for Our Place” in every learning space. Please help us celebrate the students that have been recognized as demonstrating Respect for Our Place this past week and have earned a Thunderbolt:

Div. 1- Madina

Div. 2- Siddak

Div. 3- Seerat

Div. 4- Sukhmani

Div. 5- Parinaaz

Div. 6- Hasan

Div. 7- Syke

Div. 8- Sena

Div. 9- Ehsanullah

Div. 10- Omar

Div. 11- Elissa

Special Recognitions:

Music- Caroline Div. 6

Library- Siddak, Sparsh Div.2

LST- Tasees Div. 9

EA- Samina Div. 4

Principal- Rahimullah (Div.8)



We have new Heath Thunderbirds spirt wear available that all members of the family can have! If you are looking for something small to show off your Thunderbird pride, then consider our new Thunderbirds Lanyards that are being sold at the office for $5 each.



Student Learning Survey 2024/2025

The Provincial Student Learning Survey is unique in its scope, size and usefulness to schools. It gathers information from parents/guardians/caregivers, teachers, and students on topics related to school environment, safety, and achievement. The information is used for planning in individual schools and provides a district and provincial perspective.

Early in 2025 the Student Learning Survey will be administered to students in grades 4 and 7, their parents/guardians/caregivers, and all school staff. We encourage parents/guardians/caregivers to participate in this survey, as the results are important in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus improvement. The surveys contain standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included.

The survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at Any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection can be used, and access to the e-survey is simple and secure. The survey can be accessed through the link and by clicking on Take the Survey. On the login page, click on the Parents icon, and then select the school district and school name where your child attends school. Provincial, District and School Reports for previous years can be viewed at the same site under the Results section.

The e-survey site will be open until May 2, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact the school.


Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration takes place mid-February each year. A child may be registered to attend Kindergarten in September if his or her fifth birthday occurs on or before December 31st of the current year. This would be for children born in 2020.

Kindergarten registration for the 2024/2025 school year will take place either online from February 10-21, 2024, or in person at Heath on February 18-20 from 9:00am-12:00pm. For verification of your catchment area school, please check the School Locator.

Please have the following documents ready to upload with your child’s registration (all documents must be received for registration to be accepted):

  1. Proof of citizenship and birth date for the student (Canadian birth certificate or Canadian passport), or Permanent Card (PR Card) (registration will not be accepted until proof of birth date is received).
  2. Proof of citizenship for the parent (Canadian birth certificate, Canadian passport, permanent resident card).
  3. BC Services Card
  4. Proof of Residency (Property Tax assessment for 2025 if you own your home or if you rent – tenancy/ purchase/rental agreement or rental receipt).

If you would like to verify your catchment or read more about registration, please visit the following link.


District News

2025/2026 School Year Budget

In preparation for development of the 2025/2026 budget, the Delta Board of Education is encouraging parents/caregivers, staff, partners, and rights-holders to share their priorities for the upcoming school year by 5p.m. on March 14, 2025.


You can provide your feedback by:

  • Completing a short online survey
  • Sending an email to
  • Sending a letter to Delta School District, 4585 Harvest Drive, Delta, B.C., V4K 5B4
  • Talking to your school’s PAC


Please click here (or copy and paste this url into your browser ) to learn more about this year’s consultation process.





PAC News

PAC Movie night is BACK! Come out for an evening of fun with the family to watch a movie in Heath’s Gym. The movie that will be showing on Friday, February 28 is The Wild Robot.

Doors will open at 6:00 pm for a dance party to start and then the movie will begin at 6:30pm. Entry and concession items will be $2. Our PAC will be offering a concession with popcorn, chips, chocolate bars and juice boxes for purchase while you watch the movie.

Bring a blanket, a cushion or something cozy to sit on. Come on out for a fun evening with your family!



Exciting News! Families are once again able to order a special Lunch, organized by our PAC. Please see below for a list of upcoming dates for Fresh Slice Pizza. All orders will close the Tuesday before the PAC Pizza delivery date. PAC Pizza orders are available at These special lunches are happening at the same time as our Hot Meal Program. Please make sure that your child is connected to the appropriate teacher/division and that you have ordered the pizza option BEFORE placing your orders. If you would like to volunteer an hour of your day once or twice a month to help hand out the pizza, please email

April 9 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, April 1.

April 23 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, April 15

May 21 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, May 6

May 28 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, May 20

June 18 – Fresh Slice Pizza orders close Tuesday, June 10


What new initiatives or ideas that will benefit the school would you like to see the PAC fundraise for? Please email your thoughts to:

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining the Heath PAC Facebook page Heath PAC



School Calendar


Wednesday, February 26 Pink Shirt Day
Friday, February 28 Intermediate Science Fair afternoon
Friday, February 28 PAC Movie Night
Friday, February 28- March 29 Ramadan
Thursday, March 6 District Science Fair
Wednesday, March 12 Grade 7 Boys Basketball Tournament
Monday, March 17- Friday, March 28 Spring Break (School is Closed)
Monday, March 31 First Day of Eid
Tuesday, April 1 Deadline for PAC Pizza
Wednesday, April 2 PAC Meeting 6:00pm
Thursday, April 3 Heath Heritage Fair
Monday, April 7- Wednesday, April 9 Camp Jubilee






Week of February 18


Dear Heath Families,

We had a fantastic presentation last week with Krystle Dos Santos and her three-piece band. They performed music from the History of Motown. A huge THANK YOU to Heath PAC for providing the funds to bring the group to our school!



Code of Conduct- Thunderbirds RISE

For the month of February, Respect for Our Place has been highlighted. Each week teachers will recognize students that have demonstrated ‘Respect for Our Place” in every learning space. Please help us celebrate the students that have been recognized as demonstrating Respect for Our Place this past week and have earned a Thunderbolt:

Div. 1- Ocean

Div. 2- Shabir

Div. 3- Oliver

Div. 4- Sehaj

Div. 5- Ikra

Div. 6- Mehria

Div. 7- Ravneet

Div. 8- Sana

Div. 9- Divjot

Div. 10- Alina

Div. 11- Marhaba


We have new Heath Thunderbirds spirt wear available that all members of the family can have! If you are looking for something small to show off your Thunderbird pride, then consider our new Thunderbirds Lanyards that are being sold at the office for $5 each.

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration takes place mid-February each year. A child may be registered to attend Kindergarten in September if his or her fifth birthday occurs on or before December 31st of the current year. This would be for children born in 2020.

Kindergarten registration for the 2024/2025 school year will take place either online from February 10-21, 2024, or in person at Heath on February 18-20 from 9:00am-12:00pm. For verification of your catchment area school, please check the School Locator.

Please have the following documents ready to upload with your child’s registration (all documents must be received for registration to be accepted):

  1. Proof of citizenship and birth date for the student (Canadian birth certificate or Canadian passport), or Permanent Card (PR Card) (registration will not be accepted until proof of birth date is received).
  2. Proof of citizenship for the parent (Canadian birth certificate, Canadian passport, permanent resident card).
  3. BC Services Card
  4. Proof of Residency (Property Tax assessment for 2025 if you own your home or if you rent – tenancy/ purchase/rental agreement or rental receipt).

If you would like to verify your catchment or read more about registration, please visit the following link.


District News

2025/2026 School Year Budget

In preparation for development of the 2025/2026 budget, the Delta Board of Education is encouraging parents/caregivers, staff, partners, and rights-holders to share their priorities for the upcoming school year by 5p.m. on March 14, 2025.

You can provide your feedback by:

  • Completing a short online survey
  • Sending an email to
  • Sending a letter to Delta School District, 4585 Harvest Drive, Delta, B.C., V4K 5B4
  • Talking to your school’s PAC


Please click here (or copy and paste this url into your browser ) to learn more about this year’s consultation process.


Homestay Recruitment


Delta School District International Programs is currently recruiting homestay families for international students coming to Delta School District for September 2025. We also have 3-week ELL programs in July 2025 and August 2025. They will arrive from all over the world and have a strong desire to be in Delta. We are internationally recognized as a top destination for students wanting a study abroad experience in Secondary School.
The reimbursement for hosting is increasing to $1,200 per month. Multiple students from different nationalities can be hosted in one home. The majority of students in the homestay program are from Germany, Japan, Spain, Italy, and Brazil. At the moment, more that 20 different countries are represented in the homestay program.
Many are looking for a family connection and being a part of a family during their stay in Delta. Their study periods range from 3 months to half a school year, to a full school year, to multiple years. The short-term summer programs are where host parents welcome younger English learners into their home. It is a great way for students to see what school (and life) in Delta is like and for new homestay families to get a small sample of what hosting is like.
If you are interested in hosting, please reach out to If you are not able to host but know of a family who can, please send them our way. There are referral bonuses available for referring families.

Be sure to check out our YouTube Channel with testimonials from former homestay families.




Spring Break Week 1: Monday March 17 – Friday March 21 (5 sessions)

Coed Grades 1-2 from 9am – 10am
Coed Grades 3-4 from 10am – 11am
Boys Grades 5-7 from 11am – 12 noon
Girls Grades 5-7 from 12 noon – 1:00pm

Address: Gray Elementary School gym – 10855 80 Avenue Delta, BC V4C 1W4

Registration Fee: $120

Click Here To Register for Spring Break Week 1.

Spring Break Week 2: Monday March 24 – Friday March 28 (5 sessions)

Coed Grades 3-4 from 9am – 10am
Coed Grades 5-6 from 10am – 11am
Boys Grades 7-11 from 11am – 12 noon
Girls Grades 7-11 from 12 noon – 1:00pm

Address: North Delta Secondary School gym –

11447 82nd Avenue Delta, BC V4C 5J6

Registration Fee: $140

Click Here To Register for Spring Break Week 2.


Royal Soccer Club
The Royal Soccer Club (NPO#S-0056504) is a registered non-profit organization that has been serving communities since 1993. Our summer day camps are designed to promote a healthy and active lifestyle while fostering personal development, teamwork, leadership, and other essential life skills. Our programs are inclusive and cater to children aged 5 to 13 (kindergarten to Grade 8). Additionally, we offer volunteer opportunities for high school students (grades 9 to 12), providing them with valuable experiences that contribute to their growth and development.




PAC News
Heath PAC would like to send out a reminder about the upcoming PAC meeting on Wednesday, February 19 at 7:00pm in person and online. A zoom link will be sent out closer to the time.

PAC Movie night is BACK! Come out for an evening of fun with the family to watch a movie in Heath’s Gym. Doors will open at 6:00pm and the movie starts at 6:30pm. Entry and concession items will be $2. More details will come soon!


What new initiatives or ideas that will benefit the school would you like to see the PAC fundraise for? Please email your thoughts to:


Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining the Heath PAC Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar


Monday, February 17 Family Day (School is closed)
Tuesday, February 18- Thursday, Feb. 20 In Person K Registration 9:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday, February 19 PAC Meeting 7:00pm
Friday, February 21 Pro-D Day (School is not in Session)
Wednesday, February 26 Pink Shirt Day
Friday, February 28 PAC Movie Night
Friday, February 28- March 29 Ramadan



Week of February 10

Dear Heath Families,

A very happy Valentine’s Day to all our families. Wishing you all a day full of love, happiness, and joy.


Sledding at Heath

Last week’s snowfall brought much excitement and fun for the first few days. As the week progressed, the cold weather turned the snow into ice causing many accidents. This upcoming week doesn’t look like temperatures will be warming up. As such, we will be looking closely at the icy hills on both the intermediate and primary sides of the school. To avoid disappointment, please discourage your children from bringing their sleds to school as we will likely close the hills for safety purposes.


Heath’s School Goal

We have a new tab on our website that is dedicated to our School Goal. I encourage you to look at the new page to gain an understanding of what we are working towards.


School Goals

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration takes place mid-February each year. A child may be registered to attend Kindergarten in September if his or her fifth birthday occurs on or before December 31st of the current year. This would be for children born in 2020.

Kindergarten registration for the 2024/2025 school year will take place either online from February 10-21, 2024, or in person at Heath on February 18-20 from 9:00am-12:00pm. For verification of your catchment area school, please check the School Locator.

Please have the following documents ready to upload with your child’s registration (all documents must be received for registration to be accepted):

  1. Proof of citizenship and birth date for the student (Canadian birth certificate or Canadian passport), or Permanent Card (PR Card) (registration will not be accepted until proof of birth date is received).
  2. Proof of citizenship for the parent (Canadian birth certificate, Canadian passport, permanent resident card).
  3. BC Services Card
  4. Proof of Residency (Property Tax assessment for 2025 if you own your home or if you rent – tenancy/ purchase/rental agreement or rental receipt).

If you would like to verify your catchment or read more about registration, please visit the following link.


Grade 7 Seaquam Course Planning Evening

The Grade 7 Course Planning Evening will be held on Thursday, February 20 at 6:00pm in

the Seaquam theatre. Information will be provided to parents on how to complete course selection and about the programs and scheduling in grade 8.



We have new Heath Thunderbirds spirt wear available that all members of the family can have! If you are looking for something small to show off your Thunderbird pride, then consider our new Thunderbirds Lanyards that are being sold at the office for $5 each.




YAK PASS- City of Delta

This Family Day, the City of Delta will become the first municipality in BC to offer free access to recreation facilities and programing for all local children and youth. The new YAK (Youth and Kids) Pass offers free recreation opportunities to kids 18 years and younger in Delta. To be eligible for the new pass, the applicants must be ages 0-18 and provide proof of Delta residency. Additional information can be found here.




PAC News

Please join us for our next PAC meeting in February! We will be meeting on Wednesday, February 19 at 7:00pm in person and online. A zoom link will be sent out closer to the time.


PAC Movie night is BACK! Come out for an evening of fun with the family to watch a movie in Heath’s Gym. Doors will open at 6:00pm and the movie starts at 6:30pm. Entry and concession items will be $2. More details will come soon!


What new initiatives or ideas that will benefit the school would you like to see the PAC fundraise for? Please email your thoughts to:

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining the Heath PAC Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar


Monday, February 10 On-line Kindergarten Registration Opens
Tuesday, February 11 Safer Internet Day
Friday, February 14 Valentine’s Day (wear pink/red/white)
Monday, February 17 Family Day (School is closed)
Tuesday, February 18- Thursday, Feb. 20 In Person Kindergarten Registration 9:00am-12:00pm at Heath
Wednesday, February 19 PAC Meeting 7:00pm
Friday, February 21 Pro-D Day (School is not in Session)
Wednesday, February 26 Pink Shirt Day
Friday, February 28 PAC Movie Night
Friday, February 28- March 29 Ramadan




Week of February 3

Dear Heath Families,

Wishing all our Heath families a happy Lunar New Year full of luck and love. 2025 is the year of the snake which is a time for wisdom, patience, and careful decision making.


Stay Home When Sick

The COVID/cold/flu season has hit our school, and a number of students and staff have fallen ill. To help prevent the spread of illness and keep our school as healthy as possible for students and staff, the best defence we have is for people to stay home when not well.  All staff and students should check themselves for signs and symptoms of illness each day prior to arriving at school. Please remember to call the school and record an absence for each day your child will not be attending. Please remember to leave your child’s first and last name, the division and/or teacher and the reason for the absence.

Heath Code of Conduct

Many of our students showed excellent examples of Respect for Others these past two weeks. Teachers in every learning space recognized students that went above and beyond and received a Thunderbolt on our THUNDERBIRDS RISE bulletin board.

Please help us celebrate the students that have been recognized as demonstrating Respect for Others the week of January 20-23:

Div. 1              Joseph

Div. 2              Kamsi

Div. 3              Ryan

Div. 4              Jace

Div. 5              Prabhleen

Div. 6              Mika

Div. 7              Lukas

Div. 8              Macy

Div. 9              Aziz

Div. 11            Kayden

Mr. T Music                         Arnav Div.1

Ms. Stevenson CYCW        Mason Div. 4


From Last Week: Zain Div. 5


We would also like you to help us celebrate students that have received a Thunderbolt for showing exemplary Respect for Others actions the week of January 27:

Div. 1              Adam

Div. 2              Bavandeep

Div. 3              Shegha

Div. 4              Amber

Div. 5              Parinaaz

Div. 6              Advik

Div. 7              Ashlin

Div. 8              Yoghana

Div. 9              Emma

Div. 11            Sarah



We have new Heath Thunderbirds spirt wear available that all members of the family can have! If you are looking for something small to show off your Thunderbird pride, then consider our new Thunderbirds Lanyards that are being sold at the office for $5 each. 


Spirit Days in February

Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day (wear red/pink/white)

Feb. 26 – Pink Shirt Day

And don’t forget to show school spirit this Friday by showing your Thunderbird colours (purple/yellow/black)!!!


BC Family Literacy Week

BC Family Literacy Week runs from January 26 – February 2, with Family Literacy Day falling on January 27. Family Literacy Day takes place every January 27th to raise awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.


The Decoda website has a bunch of free resources and contest information.

On Family Literacy Day, the George Mackie Library is hosting a workshop for adults called Raising Bilingual Children. Information for the workshop can be found here, on the George Mackie Library website.


2025 Art, Video & Photo Contest with $150 prizes for Indigenous Youth

 To celebrate the rich cultural and heritage traditions of the Indigenous people of Canada, FORED is sponsoring its annual artwork, photography and video contest with $150 cash prizes for Indigenous youth, aged 5-18.

This contest is a wonderful opportunity to find a mentor in the Elder community to pass down this important knowledge to Indigenous youth. Previous award winners are sometimes even featured in local community newspapers. No commercial use of entries is permitted.




Amazing Race





Social Media Use Presentation



PAC News

Please join us for our next PAC meeting in February! We will be meeting on Wednesday, February 19 at 7:00pm in person and online. A zoom link will be sent out closer to the time.

What new initiatives or ideas that will benefit the school would you like to see the PAC fundraise for? Please email your thoughts to:


Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining the Heath PAC Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar

Wednesday, February 5 World Read Aloud Day
Monday, February 10 On-line K Registration Opens
Tuesday, February 11 Safer Internet Day
Friday, February 14 Valentine’s Day
Monday, February 17 Family Day (School is closed)
Tuesday, February 18- Thursday, Feb. 20 In Person K Heath Registration 9:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday, February 19 PAC Meeting 7:00pm
Wednesday, February 26 Pink Shirt Day
Friday, February 28- March 29 Ramadan







Week of January 20

Dear Heath Families,

We had a ton of fun last week with our Reading Day on Thursday. Our school-wide assembly highlighted various ways to engage in literacy beginning with our Guest, Nathan Wilson and ending with Teachers acting out Reader’s Theatre. The morning showed our students that Reading, Writing and Oral Language can be fun and meaningful. Throughout the day we had various Guest Readers in each classroom sharing stories, making music and giving tours of a Fire Truck.


Heath Code of Conduct

Many of our students showed excellent examples of Respect for Others these past two weeks. Teachers in every learning space recognized students that went above and beyond and received a Thunderbolt on our THUNDERBIRDS RISE bulletin board.

Please help us celebrate the students that have been recognized as demonstrating Respect for Others the week of January 6:


Div. 1              Tanvir

Div. 2              Sadid

Div. 3              Jamila

Div. 4              Heba

Div. 5              Asees

Div. 6              Maria

Div. 7              Jacqueline

Div. 8              Divreet

Div. 9              Pearl

Div. 10            Zahra

Div. 11            Sudais

LST                 Yusraa Div. 8


We would also like you to help us celebrate students that have received a Thunderbolt for showing exemplary Respect for Others actions the week of January 13:


Div. 1              Rigz

Div. 2              Guneet

Div. 3              Caitlyn

Div. 4              Ashleen

Div. 5              To be announced next week

Div. 6              Maha

Div. 7              Bismah

Div. 8              Celacia

Div. 9              Aliza

Div. 10            Armaan

Div. 11            Sehaj

Music              Samarpreet. Div. 5

Principal’s Recognition:  Barret Div. 9



We have new Heath Thunderbirds spirt wear available that all members of the family can have! If you are looking for something small to show off your Thunderbird pride, then consider our new Thunderbirds Lanyards that are being sold at the office for $5 each.



Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration takes place mid-February each year. A child may be registered to attend Kindergarten in September if his or her fifth birthday occurs on or before December 31st of the current year. This would be for children born in 2020.

Kindergarten registration for the 2024/2025 school year will take place either online from February 10-21, 2024, or in person at Heath on February 18-20 from 9:00am-12:00pm. For verification of your catchment area school, please check the School Locator.

Please have the following documents ready to upload with your child’s registration (all documents must be received for registration to be accepted):

  1. Proof of citizenship and birth date for the student (Canadian birth certificate or Canadian passport), or Permanent Card (PR Card) (registration will not be accepted until proof of birth date is received).
  2. Proof of citizenship for the parent (Canadian birth certificate, Canadian passport, permanent resident card).
  3. BC Services Card
  4. Proof of Residency (Property Tax assessment for 2025 if you own your home or if you rent – tenancy/ purchase/rental agreement or rental receipt).

If you would like to verify your catchment or read more about registration, please visit the following link.


Grade 7 Burnsview Parent Information Night

The Grade 7 Parent information night will be held on Thursday, January 23 at 7:00 pm in the Burnsview Library. This session will include an overview of the Grade 8 program including a description of courses, the course selection procedure, and extra-curricular opportunities offered at Burnsview. This evening is open to all Grade 7 parents and students interested in attending Burnsview.


Grade 7 Seaquam Course Planning Evening

The Grade 7 Course Planning Evening will be held on Thursday, February 20 at 6:00pm in the Seaquam theatre. Information will be provided to parents on how to complete course selection and about the programs and scheduling in grade 8.


 PAC News

The Heath PAC is interested in hearing from YOU!

What new initiatives or ideas that will benefit the school would you like to see the PAC fundraise for? Please email your thoughts to:

You can read the minutes from December’s PAC meeting on our school website:

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining the Heath PAC Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar


Tuesday, January 21 Seaquam Music Concert
Friday, January 24 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)
Monday, February 10 On-line Kindergarten Registration Opens
Monday, February 17 Family Day (School is closed)
Tuesday, February 18- Thursday, Feb. 20 In Person Kindergarten Registration 9:00am-12:00pm






Week of January 13

Dear Heath Families,

This Wednesday, January 15th we will be joining many school districts across the province in recognizing Black Excellence Day! Black Excellence Day is an opportunity to collectively honour the rich history, contributions, achievements, and joy of Black peoples here and around the world. If you would like to contribute to the activities and learning of the day, please find information on the link below:


Student Absences

It is very important to call the school when your child is absent. Our safe arrival program relies on knowing which students will not be attending EACH day they are absent. When you need to record an absence, please call the office number at (604) 596-1508 (available 24 hours a day) or email at

Please remember to leave your child’s first AND last name, the division and/or teacher and the reason for the absence.



We have new Heath Thunderbirds spirt wear available that all members of the family can have! If you are looking for something small to show off your Thunderbird pride, then consider our new Thunderbirds Lanyards that are being sold at the office for $5 each.


$2 Donut Day

We will be having our first $2 Krispy Kreme Donut fundraiser of 2025 on Wednesday, January 15. Primary students will be able to pre-order their donuts with their teacher in the morning. All intermediate students will be able to purchase donuts when they are dismissed to go outside at lunch in the undercover area.


Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Delta School District is looking for student, staff and community volunteers interested in serving on its Accessibility Advisory Committee. The Committee’s role is to identify barriers that prevent people from fully participating in school life and to advise on strategies to reduce them, ensuring a more inclusive and accessible environment. If you are interested in helping our school district become more accessible and welcoming to all, please complete the online application  (or copy and paste this link into your browser: by February 7, 2025. For more information, please click here.

Community News

Family Smart’s lineup of FREE virtual events for January to March are open for registration, including a new topic “Explosive Behaviour in Teens: Strategies to Empower Families”. Please share with anyone who may be interested.

Virtual Event: Understanding, Supporting and Connecting with Teens with Depression


Description: When our teens are struggling with depression, we can feel lost about how to support them. How do we know when they are experiencing a mental health challenge and when we should intervene? This video introduces parents and caregivers to some ways that can help us move from reacting to our fears about substance use and towards a more thoughtful response that supports connection with our kids.


Registration: FamilySmart – Events 


Dates: January 14th 6:30pm-8pm

         January 15th 12:00pm-1:30pm

         January 22nd 6:30pm-8pm

         January 28th 6:30pm-8pm


Virtual Event: For Families: A Conversation About Eating Disorders


Description: Knowing how to help our kids who are experiencing an eating disorder can be a terrifying, isolating and overwhelming experience. Learn about disordered eating, what to be aware of, the importance of connection, and strategies that help support recovery. Victoria Keddis hosts a conversation with Eating Disorders Therapist & Educator Carmen Kauffman, along with a mom and daughter with lived experience.


Registration: FamilySmart – Events


Dates:  February 5th 6:30pm-8pm

             February 20th 6:30pm-8pm


Virtual Event: ADHD – The Real Deal


Description: ADHD doesn’t just affect the person with ADHD, it also affects those around them. As parents of kids living with ADHD, we can benefit from learning what ADHD is and how to support our kids. Dr. Duncan, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, dispels some myths and explains how and why the ADHD brain works the way it does.


Registration: FamilySmart – Events


Dates:  February 6th 6:30pm-8pm

             February 19th 12pm-1:30pm

           February 25th 6:30pm-8pm


Virtual Event: Explosive Behaviour in Teens: Strategies to Empower Families


Description: When our teens are showing up in explosive ways, we sometimes blame ourselves. Discover with us as a therpist explains some causes of explosive behaviour and strategies that support parents and teens. Victoria Keddis hosts a conversation with Kirk Shields-Priddy, MSW/RSW Group and Family Therapist with Fraser Health START Program.


Registration: FamilySmart – Events


Dates:  March 4th 6:30pm-8pm

             March 5th 6:30pm-8pm

           March 6th 6:30pm-8pm

            March 11th 6:30pm-8pm

  March 12th 12:00pm-1:30pm


We are available to chat one on one if you know anyone looking for support or need help navigating mental health services in our community. Click here FamilySmart referrals, once you have the parent’s or caregiver’s consent. Feel free to contact us at or leave a message at 604-607-9587 if you have any questions.


PAC News

Please join us for our first PAC meeting of 2025! We will be meeting on Wednesday, January 15 at 6:00pm

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar


Wednesday, January 15 Black Excellence Day
Wednesday, January 15 $2 Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser
Wednesday, January 15 PAC Meeting 6:00pm
Thursday, January 16 Reading Day/ Pyjama Day
Friday, January 24 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)
Monday, February 17 Family Day (School is closed)



Week of January 6


Dear Heath Families,


Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a wonderful and restful holiday break. Term 2 and a brand new year promises to be an exciting one and our staff at school are recharged and ready to lead our students through learning opportunities and growth. A new term is always a great time to re-visit things that are important.  For us here at Heath, one thing that is very important to us is helping our students learn all the ways they can demonstrate Respect for Self, Respect for Others and Respect for This Place.  We encourage you to spend some time talking with your child about the countless ways they can show respect in these three areas. Term 2 is always a fast one, being that it is only 10 weeks long. Before we know it, Spring Break will be around the corner!



We have new Heath Thunderbirds spirt wear available that all members of the family can have! If you are looking for something small to show off your Thunderbird pride, then consider our new Thunderbirds Lanyards that are being sold at the office for $5 each.



Heath Code of Conduct

Many of our students showed excellent examples of Respect for Myself. Teachers in every learning space recognized students that went above and beyond and received a Thunderbolt on our THUNDERBIRDS RISE bulletin board.

Please help us celebrate the students that have been recognized as demonstrating Respect for Myself the week before the break:


Mikayla           Div. 1

Yuvraj             Div. 2

Agamveer       Div. 3

Vinay              Div. 4

Irshan              Div. 5

Divraaj            Div. 6

Roqaya            Div. 7

Fateh               Div. 7

Siratman          Div. 8

Aaryan            Div. 9

Selma              Div. 10

Elleana            Div. 11


For the month of January, we will highlight Respect for Others and look forward to seeing all our students demonstrating qualities in all spaces of our school.


Parent Parking

As we head into the new year, reminders are often needed about following expect

ations when accessing the private parking lot.

In front of the dumpsters and the quick drop off area are NO PARKING ZONES. You are welcome to hold in the drop off area while you stay in your car for 5 minutes or less, but please don’t leave your vehicle as this is an easy flow lane. I appreciate your patience and cooperation in helping to follow road safety so that students and parents remain safe and traffic flows smoothly.

Please find below the Parking Lot Tutorial that are now in three different languages, English, Punjabi and Pashto.





Restricting cellphone usage in schools

Please be reminded that students are not permitted to use cellphones or other personal digital devices at school. For more information, please visit: Elementary school restrictions. If you have any questions, please contact the school.


Dress for the Weather

Now that we are experiencing winter weather, it is cooler and can be very rainy. Please make sure your children demonstrate, Respect for Self and come to school dressed appropriately for playing outside at recess and lunchtime (e.g. boots, jacket, hat, gloves, etc.), and perhaps also pack an extra pair of socks and pants into their backpacks for really rainy days. Even for Intermediate students!

In the case of extremely poor weather, a decision will be made by staff to designate the recess and/or lunch hour as an “in day”, which means that students are to stay inside and play quietly in their classrooms rather than venture outdoors. We refrain from doing this unless absolutely necessary, as the children need the opportunity to get out in the fresh air and be physically active before heading back into the classroom (and besides, rain is just a fact of life of our West Coast climate).


$2 Donut Day

We will be having our first $2 Krispy Kreme Donut fundraiser of 2025 on Wednesday, January 15. Primary students will be able to pre-order their donuts with their teacher in the morning. All intermediate students will be able to purchase donuts when they are dismissed to go outside at lunch in the undercover area.


Late French Immersion

The major goal of Delta’s Late French Immersion program is to provide the opportunity for non-Francophone students to become functionally bilingual in English and French. This is a Grade 6 to 12 program.

You can find more information about Delta’s French Immersion Programs at:

Late French Immersion Dates and Deadlines

Late French Immersion Online Application will be available starting:

Jan 4, 2025, 8:00am

Late French Immersion application questions or concerns:

Starting Jan 4th, 2025 please direct questions or concerns about your application to Gwenaëlle Oger-Black, French Programs Coordinator,

Late French Immersion Parent Information Night:

Feb 10th at 6:30pm at Chalmers Elementary
Feb 11th at 6:30pm at Cliff Drive Elementary

If you are unable to attend in-person, a pre-recorded Late French Immersion Information presentation is available here:

Late French Immersion Application Deadline: Feb 12, 2025, at 4:00pm

Late French Immersion application questions or concerns:

Starting Jan 4th, 2025, please direct questions or concerns about your application to:

Gwenaelle Oger-Black
Modern Languages Coordinator




PAC News

Please join us for our first PAC meeting of 2025! We will be meeting on Wednesday, January 15 at 6:00pm

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar

Wednesday, January 15 $2 Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser
Wednesday, January 15 PAC Meeting 6:00pm
Thursday, January 16 Reading Day
Friday, January 24 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)
Monday, February 17 Family Day (School is closed)





Week of December 16-20

Dear Heath Families,

On behalf of the entire Heath Elementary staff, we would like to wish our community a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! We hope you all enjoy time with family and friends. We also want to wish everyone all the best for a happy and healthy 2025!


Winter Concert

Heath’s Winter Concert will take place on Tuesday, December 17th. There will be two performances taking place, a dress rehearsal in the afternoon at 1:15pm and one in the evening at 6:00pm. Doors will open 30 minutes before the performances begin. Due to the limited capacity of our gymnasium, we ask that only 2-3 immediate family members attend either performance. Please have your child at the school by 5:30pm at the latest. We will be taking any non-perishable food items as entry tickets.

All our students, Mr. T and the rest of our amazing staff have worked very hard to make these performances special for our Heath families.  We ask that our guests attending either session to please stay and enjoy the entire performance as leaving part way through the event would be disruptive to other guests and disappointing to students. When the concert has ended, please pick up your children from their classrooms. We are not able to release your child unless an adult is present.


Annual Food Drive

Heath has been holding our Annual Food Drive since Monday, December 2 through to Wednesday, December 18. If possible, please send with your child a few non-perishable food items like pasta and rice, canned soups and meats, and jarred sauces. Please look carefully at the expiration date for all items, as anything expiring in 2024, or January 2025 will not be accepted by the food bank.


You can also donate money as the Food Bank has a 3-1 buying power, meaning they can purchase $3 worth of food for every $1 raised. Also remember to bring your food donation as your ticket in the door to the Heath Winter Concert on the evening of Thursday, December 21.


Heath Code of Conduct

Last week we held a school-wide assembly to officially introduce our Heath Code of Conduct. Our grade 7s worked collaboratively at the beginning of the year and highlighted positive behaviour they would like to see in all areas of our school. Our staff put the Grade 7 students’ thoughts together and came up with a matrix that was presented at our assembly.

For the month of December, Respect for Myself has been highlighted. Each week teachers will recognize students that have demonstrated ‘Respect for Myself” in every learning space. Student names will be written on a Thunderbolt and put on our new THUNDERBIRDS RISE bulletin. Please help us celebrate the students that have been recognized as demonstrating Respect for Myself this past week:

Div. 1- Ayaan

Div. 2- Himmat G.

Div. 3- Naveen

Div. 4- Alysha

Div. 5- Sana F.

Div. 6- Sitara

Div. 7- Gurleen

Div. 8- Naya

Div. 9- Adriana

Div. 10- Samarvir

Div. 11- Sammi

LST Learning Spaces- Sitara and Lucas



Heath’s Official Playground Opening Ceremony

On Tuesday, December 10 we held a special ceremony to officially open our new playground. We had many special guests join us. We are super proud of our emcees and primary student speakers as they did an excellent job and represented Heath so well. Please see the article in the North Delta Reporter.

You can also find the article on The Delta School District Website;




We have new Heath Thunderbirds merch available just in time for the Winter Break. If you are looking for something little to put in a stocking or under the tree, then our lanyards are perfect! Our new Thunderbirds Lanyards will be sold at the office for $5 each.



$2 Donut Day

We will be having our last $2 Krispy Kreme Donut fundraiser of 2024 on Thursday, December 19. Primary students will be able to pre-order their donuts with their teacher in the morning. All intermediate students will be able to purchase donuts when they are dismissed to go outside at lunch in the undercover area.


Spirit Days

As we count down towards the winter break, let’s have some fun as well:

Dec. 16 – Festive socks and/or other accessories

Dec. 17 – Wear red, green or white for our concert

Dec. 18- Winter Wonderland Wednesday (wear blue/white)

Dec. 19 – Festive Sweater Day (or red/green)

Dec. 20 – Snowball Day (wear white and/or sparkles)


PAC News

Heath PAC will be present at both our Winter Concerts on Tuesday, Dec. 17th. There will be a concession and a chance to win front row seats!


Please don’t forget to bring a food bank donation for your entry into the school.


You can read the minutes from the latest PAC meeting on our school website:


Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar


Tuesday, December 17 Winter Concert 1:15 pm and 6:00pm
Thursday, December 19 $2 Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Friday, December 20 Last Day of School Before Winter Break
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Day
December 25- January 2 Hanukkah
December 26 – January 1 Kwanzaa
Wednesday, January 1 New Year’s Day
Monday, January 6 School re-opens







Week of December 2-6

Dear Heath Families,

Heath Elementary is pleased to announce this year’s Winter Concert will take place on Tuesday,December 17th. There will be two performances taking place, one in the afternoon at 1:15pm and one in the evening at 6:00pm. Doors will open 30 minutes before the performances begin. Due to the limited capacity of our gymnasium, we ask that only 2-3 immediate family members attend either performance. Please have your child at the school by 5:30pm at the latest. We will be taking any non-perishable food items as entry tickets.

All our students, Mr. T and the rest of our amazing staff have worked very hard to make these performances special for our Heath families.  We ask that our guests attending either session to please stay and enjoy the entire performance as leaving part way through the event would be disruptive to other guests and disappointing to students.


Learning Updates

On Wednesday, Dec. 4, the first, formal, written Learning Update (formerly known as Report cards) for the current school year will be available for viewing on Parent Connect.  This is an exciting time for children and parents, a time to offer encouragement and support as well as a time to review set goals made during the 3-Way Conferences.  After reading all the reports, I am pleased to see all the learning that has occurred during the first term and believe that all our students will have a successful second term. I am thankful for the positive partnership with us in helping your child to succeed at school.  If you have questions about how you can further support your child in their learning, contact their classroom teacher.  Together we can make a difference.


Official Opening of Heath Playgrounds

On Tuesday, December 10 at 9:45am prompt, Heath Elementary will hold an official opening ceremony for our new playgrounds. We will have the new Minister of Education and Child Care, Lisa Beare and our local MLA, Ravi Kahlon attend the ceremony. There will be many other dignitaries invited, such as our new School Board Trustee Chair, Joe Muego and Vice-Chair, Val Windsor. The media has been invited to be present as well.

As this assembly will have media coverage, it is important that all families log into Parent Connect and allow for Outside Media Consent. Should your family not wish to have your child in the media, we will have all students without consent separated so they are protected.

To log onto Parent Connect:

Use your email account (this is the easiest way to get in) and password (if you have forgotten your password click on “forgot my password” and your password will be emailed to you). You must allow for ‘Pop Ups’ on your computer or phone. You can then access all your children at the school. You will need to do this for each of your children attending Heath.


Math Festival

Heath’s school goal for 2024-2025 is: How do teacher practices affect student attention and level of understanding? What are the factors at play?

Our school goal will be focusing on Numeracy and using the Mathminds program, while accessing other forms of instruction to supplement. One of the exciting ways we can help all students build confidence and joy in math is by holding a Math Festival. On Wednesday, December 11, our students will gather and explore math through games and puzzles throughout the day. Older students will be given the opportunity to be trained and lead the activities.

We welcome the whole school community to come together in the gym to celebrate the joy of math from 3:10-4:00pm. Heath’s PAC will also be present with a concession.


Food Drive

The grade 6/7 classes are organizing a food drive and all classes will be collecting non-perishable food items as donations to our local food bank from Monday, December 2 until Wednesday, December 18. Please see the list below for the most needed items:

-Dried Herbs and Spices

-Cooking oils (Olive and Canola)

-Jars or Pouches of Baby Food

-Toilet paper

-Feminine Hygiene Products

-Canned Fruit and Vegetables

-Pasta with Pasta Sauce

-Beans and Lentils


-Canned Meat

-Peanut Butter


Dress for the Weather

As we are well into fall and approaching winter weather, it is cooler and can be very rainy. We have had an increased number of students calling home for extra clothing. Just a reminder to make sure your children come to school dressed appropriately for playing outside at recess and lunchtime (e.g. boots, jacket, hat, gloves, etc.), and perhaps also pack an extra pair of socks and pants into their backpacks for really rainy days. Even for Intermediate students!

In the case of extremely poor weather, a decision will be made by staff to designate the recess and/or lunch hour as an “in day”, which means that students are to stay inside and play quietly in their classrooms rather than venture outdoors. We refrain from doing this unless absolutely necessary, as the children need the opportunity to get out in the fresh air and be physically active before heading back into the classroom (and besides, rain is just a fact of life of our West Coast climate).

Snow Days

If it snows, will there be school? The short answer is… YES! During extreme winter conditions, including heavy snowfalls, all schools in the Delta School District will remain OPEN, if at all possible. It is very rare that schools would be closed due to weather conditions or other circumstances. Schools may have a delayed opening to allow for district or municipal staff to clear safe routes to schools for students and families. Any closure or delayed opening will be decided by 7:00 am at the latest and will be announced through the media as well as through district and school websites. Please note that no announcement will be made stating that schools are open. Only closures or delayed openings will be announced.

Information about any closures will be sent to Metro Vancouver radio and television stations. Please check the following stations for school closure information.

Radio Television
CBC 690 AM Global BC
Fairchild 1470 AM City TV

Announcements will also be made on the district website at To keep phone lines clear we ask that you please refrain from phoning the school to check that we are open.

During extreme weather conditions, it is also common for police and other authorities to advise citizens to avoid unnecessary travel. Parents should take this advice as well. Parents/Guardians are responsible for their children’s safe travel to and from school. If, for any reason, a parent/guardian feels that a child cannot travel safely to school, then they should make other arrangements. Schools will be kept open under extreme circumstances to provide the option of attendance for all, but the decision is the responsibility of each family. Should you choose to keep your child at home, please call the office and leave a message reporting your child’s absence.


PAC News
Exciting news! The Heath PAC now has all necessary Executive positions filled and will be running more fundraising events.

The Heath PAC has made it easier for families to attend the next PAC meeting in December. It will be held right after the Math Festival on Wednesday, December 11th at 4:00pm.

Heath PAC will also be present at our Christmas Concert on Tuesday, Dec. 17th. Please bring a food bank donation for your entry into the school.

A table will be set up to sell tickets for a 50/50 draw. Half of the proceeds from the sale of the tickets will go to the school, the other half will go to the winner. More information will follow soon.

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar


Wednesday, December 4 Learning Updates available for viewing on Parent Connect
Tuesday, December 10 Playground Official Opening Ceremony
Wednesday, December 11 Math Festival for Families 3:10pm-4:00pm
Wednesday, December 11 PAC Meeting 4:00pm
Tuesday, December 17 Winter Concert 1:15 pm and 6:00pm
Friday, December 20 Last Day of School Before Winter Break
Monday, January 6 School re-opens






Week of November 18-22

Dear Heath Families,

It has been really great seeing so many families over the last couple of weeks with the 3-Way Conferences and coming in for assistance with Parent Connect.

If you are having trouble updating your information or navigating your way around Parent Connect, please don’t hesitate to ask the office. We have many people available to assist with a variety of languages.


Hot Meal Lunch Program

The Hot Meal Lunch Program from The Yellow Chili will continue for the month of December. There are four different options per day to choose from: Non-Vegetarian, Vegetarian, Vegan, or Halal. Unfortunately, all other dietary restrictions cannot be accommodated. Families can sign up for a month of hot meals delivered to their children at the school for $70.

The orders will be made online only through the Munch a Lunch program. The $70 will be required in the first day selection. Please only select one meal item per day. Ordering will be open until Friday, November 22. Please find login links below.

NEW parents register here:

RETURNING parents login here:

The first day of delivery will be on Monday, December 2nd. We ask if possible to have your children bring their own cutlery. To bring down the cost and environmental impact, we will have reusable cutlery available and will be washed at school.

Please remember that even if you ordered for the month of November, you will still need to place an order for December. If you are in need of support in ordering, please don’t hesitate to ask at the office.


Heath’s New Playgrounds

I’m very excited to announce that our new playgrounds are open! We are so lucky to have received the government grant, and our District made the build happen so quickly. We are opening the playgrounds to all students for the next few weeks on scheduled days. In December, we will have the playgrounds for primary students only during recess and lunch times.


Dress for the Weather

As we are well into fall and approaching winter weather, it is cooler and can be very rainy. We have had an increased number of students calling home for extra clothing. Just a reminder to make sure your children come to school dressed appropriately for playing outside at recess and lunchtime (e.g. boots, jacket, hat, gloves, etc.), and perhaps also pack an extra pair of socks and pants into their backpacks for really rainy days. Even for Intermediate students!

In the case of extremely poor weather, a decision will be made by staff to designate the recess and/or lunch hour as an “in day”, which means that students are to stay inside and play quietly in their classrooms rather than venture outdoors. We refrain from doing this unless absolutely necessary, as the children need the opportunity to get out in the fresh air and be physically active before heading back into the classroom (and besides, rain is just a fact of life of our West Coast climate).


$2 Donut Fundraiser

We will be having another $2 Krispy Kreme Donut fundraiser on Wednesday, November 20. Primary students will be able to pre-order their donuts with their teacher in the morning. All intermediate students will be able to purchase donuts when they are dismissed to go outside at lunch in the undercover area.


Fraser Health Information re. H5 Avian Influenza

Out of an abundance of caution, Fraser Health has sent school districts in the region a letter about the teenager who has tested presumptively positive for avian influenza. You can click here to see this letter (or copy and paste this url into a web browser:

It is encouraged that everyone practice the preventative measures suggested, including:

  • Stay up to date on all immunizations, especially the seasonal flu vaccine
  • Do not touch sick or dead animals
  • Stay home if you are sick

About avian influenza 

Avian influenza viruses occur naturally among wild aquatic birds and spread easily from bird to bird. While it mostly affects birds, it can affect other animals too. In B.C., H5N1 has been detected in wild birds, on poultry farms and among small wild mammals, including skunks and foxes. Influenza viruses are adaptable and can change when strains from humans or different animal species mix and exchange genetic information. Avian influenza could become more serious if the virus develops the ability to transmit from person to person, with potential for human-to-human transmission.

If you have been exposed to sick or dead birds or animals where avian influenza has been detected, watch for symptoms of influenza-like illness. If you get symptoms within 10 days after exposure to sick or dead animals, tell your health care provider that you have been in contact with sick animals and are concerned about avian influenza. This will help them give you appropriate advice on testing and treatment. Stay home and away from others while you have symptoms.

Learn more 


Remember, all students should stay up to date with their immunizations:


PAC News
Two Executive positions need to be filled immediately, or Heath PAC is at risk of losing the gaming grant as it needs a minimum of 3 positions filled to receive the funds. Currently it is not considered a functioning PAC and will fold. We will not be able to raise money for items to benefit the school or opportunities for our students.

Nominate yourself or someone else to have the opportunity for the rewarding experience of making valuable memories for your kids and others!  PAC is a great way to make new friends while doing something for your child’s school. Also, holding an Executive Position looks great on a resume!

Secretary Responsibilities

  • Record minutes at general and executive meetings
  • Distribute meeting minutes in a timely manner
  • Start executive nominations for coming year
  • Bring agendas and minutes for distribution at PAC meetings
  • Meet with executive prior to PAC meetings when necessary
  • Keep a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and submit new copy to the school principal if updated
  • Issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the PAC
  • Check PAC email account and forward pertinent info, delete junk mail or obsolete correspondence
  • Keep necessary records of the PAC

District PAC Representative

  • Attend District PAC meetings (In person or virtually)
  • Provide report of District PAC meetings at General PAC meetings


If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the Secretary or DPAC REP position, please email your interest to Trish Medynski at:


Movie Night

Heath PAC is hosting the first Movie Night of the year on Friday, November 22. The doors will open at 6:00pm and the movie will start shortly after. The movie that will be showing is:­­­ Dr. Seuss’s The Grinch

Bring a blanket, a cushion or something cozy to sit on. Our PAC will be offering a concession with popcorn, chips, chocolate bars and juice boxes for purchase while you watch the movie. Come on out for a fun evening with your family!


Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar

Tuesday, November 19 PAC Meeting 6:00pm
Wednesday, November 20 $2 Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser
Wednesday, November 20 Grade 6 Immunizations
Friday, November 22 PAC Movie Night 6:00pm
Monday, November 25 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)
Wednesday, December 4 Learning Updates available for viewing on Parent Connect
Wednesday, December 11 Math Festival for Families 3:10pm-4:00pm
Tuesday, December 17 Winter Concert
Friday, December 20 Last Day of School Before Winter Break
Monday, January 6 School re-opens





Week of November 4-8

Dear Heath Families,

We had such a fun-filled, exciting week with Diwali, Halloween and Pajama Day! We hope that everyone had a Diwali filled with peace, health and happiness.



Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day we honour those who sacrificed their lives so that we can live as we do today in Canada. By remembering, we pay tribute to all the men and women that served to defend our values and freedoms. We also honour those who continue to serve our country today.  On Friday, November 8th Heath will be holding a Remembrance Day Assembly in the gym. Some classes have signed up to present poems, songs, and a candlelight ceremony to help us all better understand and appreciate Remembrance Day and its significance. We will also have a wreath laying ceremony complete with two minutes of silence. Throughout the week, we will be accepting donations for the Poppy Campaign. Students who would like to donate can give the contribution to their teacher.

Donations can also be made online to The Royal Canadian Legion Dominion Command Poppy Trust Fund.


Upcoming Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

Thank you to all the families that have booked their interviews for this upcoming Wednesday and Thursday. At Heath we have mandatory interviews that involve your children, their teachers and parents to provide a valuable experience. Please make sure to sign up for a time that works for your family using PARENT CONNECT.  To book your conference time please sign in to Parent Connect. Once you are in your account you will see the heading for Interview, click there to book your time slot. Each time slot is for 20 minutes. The conference will be 15 minutes in length and an additional 5 minutes to travel to your next child’s teacher.

To access Parent Connect and book appointment(s), please visit:

Please remember that it is a 12:00pm early dismissal on both days so please arrange for early pick up on both days.


Extended Absences

Over the course of a school year, students may be absent for short periods of time for a variety of reasons. Extended absences, for reasons other than student health, should be carefully considered by families. To ensure that our students miss as little time as possible from school, we ask for parents’ cooperation in scheduling family holidays outside of school time.

Schools are not in a position to approve or deny permission for student absences for family holidays or other extended absences. This decision lies with the parent/guardian. Please do inform the office and teacher in advance of the absence so they are aware. Should parents wish to remove their child from school for a lengthy period of time, consideration should be given to the implication this may have to their child’s education. Important learning is missed by students during any absence which puts them at a disadvantage compared with those in regular attendance.

Should a family decide to remove their child for an extended absence, the school is not required to provide educational materials. Being present and engaged in the school setting goes beyond the materials provided. Teachers are not able to replicate the school experience by providing homework. Please note that teachers are not obliged to provide learning materials or assignments during an extended vacation absence. Should a student be absent for a significant period of time and therefore is not able to demonstrate the learning outcomes for a particular course, it may not be possible to provide an appropriate proficiency scale in reporting on their learning.


PAC NewsIf you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the Secretary or DPAC REP position, please email your interest to Trish Medynski at:

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC



School Calendar


Wednesday and Thursday, November 6-7 3-Way Conferences early dismissal 12:00 pm
Friday, November 8 Remembrance Day Assembly 10:45 am
Monday, November 11 Remembrance Day (School is Closed)
Thursday, November 7 Camp Jubilee Parent Presentation 5:00-6:00 pm
Tuesday, November 19 PAC Meeting 6:00 pm
Wednesday, November 20 Grade 6 Immunizations
Friday, November 22 PAC Movie Night 6:00 pm
Monday, November 25 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)






Week of October 28- November 1


Dear Heath Families,

All our primary students were able to participate in a Pumpkin Patch experience and not leave the school grounds! We had pumpkins delivered from Acme Farms early Wednesday morning. Six of our very responsible and hardworking Grade 7 students took on the challenge of helping to set up the patch. They were motivated by the joy they were about to create for our younger Thunderbirds. This is only one example of kindness and responsibility I see daily that make me so proud of the student community we have at Heath!

Upcoming 3-Way Conferences

At Heath, we have a different reporting order than other schools in the district. We provide the opportunity for 3-Way Conferences in November. As these conferences take the place of a report card, attendance is mandatory for all families. In preparation for signing up for a time that works for your family we ask that you sign on to PARENT CONNECT in advance. These conferences on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 6-7 are a valuable experience to be involved in your child’s learning as it takes a partnership to ensure meaningful growth.

Please remember that it is a 12:00pm early dismissal on both days so please arrange for early pick up on both days.

Appointments to meet with your child’s teacher are open and available for you to book.
To book your conference time please sign in to Parent Connect. Once you are in your account you will see the heading for Interview, click there to book your time slot. Each time slot is for 20 minutes. The conference will be 15 minutes in length and an additional 5 minutes to travel to your next child’s teacher.

To access Parent Connect and book appointment(s), please visit:


We do have translators available for families that require English language assistance. Please notify your child’s teacher as soon as possible so arrangements can be made




We will once again be following a long-standing tradition, the annual Heath Halloween Costume Parade.

The parade will be inside the gym along with our school-wide Thriller Dance.  Parents and guardians are welcome to attend our festivities.  Each class will proceed to the gym, while remaining with their teacher.

Our parade will be held on Thursday, October 31st at 9:30am.  Students are welcome to bring their costumes to school.  However, please keep in mind that teachers are not able to help students change into their costumes and students should therefore bring or wear a costume only if they are able to independently change in or out of it if they choose.

Many classes have also planned some fun Halloween activities to celebrate.  These activities might include games and/or watching a movie.  Please check with your child’s teacher if candy/treats can be brought to school to share with their friends and classmates.  If you would like to send a treat specifically for your child to enjoy during their class activity, please feel free to do so.


Halloween Safety

We encourage all students to celebrate Halloween safely with the following hints and tips:

  1. Practice costume safety: Make sure all costumes, wigs and accessories are fire resistant. Make sure the costume is comfortable and doesn’t pose a tripping hazard for your child.
  2. For costumes worn to school:
  • Please ensure your child’s face is visible at all times. Masks and any other items that prevent students from being identified will not be permitted at school.
  • Costumes must not include weapons, replica weapons or objects that can be mistaken as such.
  • Costumes must not contain any words or images that could be offensive to others.
  • Students must dress in a manner that is appropriate for and respects the learning environment of the school.
  1. If using makeup, choose non-toxic cosmetic products and test on a small area first to see if any irritation occurs. Many kids have sensitive skin.
  2. Give kids a refresher on traffic safety.
  3. Increase your child’s visibility – use reflective tape or give them flashlights or glow sticks to carry to ensure they are visible to motorists.
  4. Encourage kids to stay together and have them stick to familiar, well-lit areas.
  5. Reiterate that they should never enter a stranger’s house or accept a ride from someone they don’t know.
  6. Inspect your child’s candy before they indulge and make sure to remove any treats that aren’t age appropriate (e.g., gum or jawbreakers) or that contain food items they are allergic to.

For additional helpful hints, please visit:


Two Spirit Days next week

Our first Heath Spirit Day will be on Tuesday, October 29. We encourage all our students to dress up for Diwali celebration and look forward to seeing everyone in their traditional dress clothes! On Wednesday, Nov.1. We will be having Pajama Day! Please allow your children to wear appropriate pajamas, slippers and/or robes to school.


Musqueam Day and the Guerin decision

Every year, Musqueam acknowledges November 1 as Musqueam Day.

The day recognizes the landmark 1984 Supreme Court of Canada Guerin decision. The case was led by Musqueam’s then chief, Delbert Guerin, and fundamentally changed Canadian law by challenging the:

  • legal enforceability of the Crown’s obligations to Aboriginal people in Canada
  • fiduciary duty owed to Indigenous peoples in Canada
  • nature of Indigenous title in Canada
  • the Crown’s duty to consult with Indigenous peoples


Parent Parking

Thank you to all the parents that took time to read the safety concern email sent out on Thursday. As a result, we had a much safer parking lot on Thursday. Please remember the expectations are for everyone so as to help ensure all your children are safe. This is fair notice that staff will be monitoring the parking lot on a regular basis and that any parent/caregiver not following the expectations will be restricted from using the private parking lot.


Community Information

Virtual Event: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: It’s More Than Overwashing Your Hands

Description: Living with OCD can present unique challenges that affect both our kids and us as families. For those living with it, simple tasks become overwhelming and disrupt daily life. Join us to discover ways to strengthen our understanding and support our kids living with OCD.

Registration: FamilySmart – Events

Dates:  November 6th 6:30pm – 8pm

            November 13th 12pm – 1:30pm

 November 28th 6:30pm – 8pm


Virtual Event: Supporting Safety at Home When Your Child Has a Mental Health Crisis

Description: When our child or youth has had a mental health crisis, knowing how to keep them safe can be overwhelming. Our concerns can include suicidal thoughts, self-harming and aggression. Listen to this discussion about some ways that can help us talk to our kids about their safety at home.

Registration: FamilySmart – Events

Dates: November  7th 6:30pm – 8pm

             November 26th 6:30pm – 8pm


Virtual Event: Now What? A Beginning Conversation to Support Families Moving From Reacting to Responding When Our Kids Begin Experimenting With Substances

Description: Learning that our kids are trying substances can be scary. As families, we are a valuable resource to help them navigate the choices they are making, but it can be hard to know how to respond. This video introduces parents and caregivers to some ways that can help us move from reacting to our fears about substance use and towards a more thoughtful response that supports connection with our kids.

Registration: FamilySmart – Events

Dates: December 3rd 6:30pm – 8pm

            December 4th 12pm – 1:30pm

 December 5th 6:30pm – 8pm

 December 10th 6:30pm – 8pm

 December 11th 6:30pm – 8pm 


PAC News

Please come join us for our next PAC Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 6:00pm in the Heath staff room or on Zoom. (Link will be available soon).

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the Secretary or DPAC REP position, please email your interest to Trish Medynski at:

Stay up to date with all the PAC information and school events by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar


Tuesday, October 29 Spirit Day- Diwali: join the festivity by dressing in your best!
Tuesday, October 29 Grade 6 & 7 Volleyball Game 3:30
Tuesday, October 29 PAC Meeting 6:00 pm
Thursday, October 31 Diwali
Thursday, October 31 Halloween Parade 9:30am
Wednesday, November 1 Spirit Day- Pajama Day
Wednesday and Thursday, November 6-7 3 Way Conferences early dismissal 12:00pm
Thursday, November 7 Camp Jubilee Presentation 5:00-6:00 pm
Friday, November 22 PAC Movie Night
Monday, November 25 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)






Week of October 21-24

Dear Heath Families,

Home Conferences

Everyone has been working hard these last few weeks and I’m excited to see what our students are bringing home to share with you over the next couple of days. Our Home Conferences are set to take place on Monday through to Thursday this week. Parents will receive work that your child has completed or will complete with you. Please give yourself approximately 30 minutes over the week to complete the activities and review all the hard work that was sent home. By going over the package sent home, it will help to create a better understanding of what your child is accomplishing at school, and it will be a preparation for rich discussion at the three-way conferences on November 6th and 7th.


Daily Hot Meal Program

We are very excited to announce a new School Meal Program being offered at Heath. We have been working with The Yellow Chili to create a healthy and appetizing meal plan for every day of the week. There are four different options per day to choose from; Non-Vegetarian, Vegetarian, Vegan, or Halal. Unfortunately, all other dietary restrictions cannot be accommodated. Families can sign up for a month of hot meals delivered to their children at the school for $70.

The orders will be made online only through the Munch a Lunch program. Please remember to select the required $70 per child in the first day selection (November 1) in order for your child(ren) to receive their lunches. Please only select one meal item per day. Ordering will be open until Friday, October 25. Please find login links below.


NEW parents register here:

RETURNING parents login here:


The first day of delivery will be on Friday, November 1st. We ask, if possible, to have your children bring their own cutlery. To bring down the cost and environmental impact, we will have reusable cutlery available and will be washed at school.



Bugle or Bagpipes

Are there any Heath family members able to play either the bugle or bagpipes? If so, would they be willing to come play at our Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday, November 8th? Anyone interested, please contact the office.



Halloween at Heath

Halloween is just around the corner!

On Thursday, October 31, all students that want to, are welcome to come to school dressed in their Halloween costume.

Here are a few guidelines for Halloween costumes at school:

  • should not be too scary
  • should be age appropriate
  • should not promote illegal activities, drugs/alcohol, or could be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype of someone’s culture, gender, heritage, or religion are not ok for school
  • must be safe & comfortable.  Students must be able to sit, walk, breathe, see and hear.  Anything that limits vision or restricts movement can lead to falling & other injuries. That’s no fun on Halloween! (students may wear masks during the parade, though)
  • must be in line with our dress guidelines (students are sufficiently covered and dressed for the weather)
  • toy weapons should be kept at home
  • not all students like to dress up (and that’s ok, too!)
  • since costumes worn to school may not survive the day intact, consider a spare/alternate costume and save the “real” one for trick or treating that night


New Form on Parent Connect

Thank you to all the families that have signed on and given permissions on Parent Connect. There has been a new form added for all schools in Delta. The form serves to provide fair notice and related information regarding the VTRA process that we undertake when the presence of a potential threat is realized.  We are asking that you sign permission for this additional form as soon as possible.


Dress for the Weather

With the start of our first, “Atmospheric River” on Friday, it was evident that reminders are needed to make sure your children come to school dressed appropriately for playing outside at recess and lunchtime (e.g. boots, jacket, hat, gloves, etc.), and perhaps also pack an extra pair of socks and pants into their backpacks for really rainy days! In the case of extremely poor weather, a decision will be made by staff to designate the recess and/or lunch hour as an “in day”, which means that students are to stay inside and play quietly in their classrooms rather than venture outdoors. We refrain from doing this unless absolutely necessary, as the children need the opportunity to get out in the fresh air and be physically active before heading back into the classroom (and besides, rain is just a fact of life of our West Coast climate).


Volleyball Season

Volleyball season is now fully underway with Heath being represented by both a Grade 6 and a Grade 7 team. Our school teams compete on Tuesdays and Thursdays against many of our neighbouring schools. The teams are being coached by Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brugge and a senior High School student. Hats off to the Heath staff who have volunteered their time to provide our intermediate students with this exciting opportunity!


Heath Crossing Guard Needed

We are in need of an after-school Crossing Guard every day after school. This is an important position to keep our students and community safe while crossing 72 Avenue. This is a paid CUPE position. Please email with a resume if interested.




Seaquam Theatre is hosting their annual Haunted House fundraiser again this year for intermediate students (ages 10+) and their families.  

It’s an annual tradition here at Seaquam Theatre, and this year is set to be the best yet. It runs for two days on October 28thand 29th from 3:00-5:00pm at Seaquam Theatre. Tickets are $7 at the door (cash only) and it’s open to the community.   





PAC News

The Heath PAC is an opportunity for parents and guardians to partner with their child’s school and contribute to the school community. The PAC is created for parents to have a voice in matters affecting the school including programs, policies, activities, and the overall community. PACs also enhance the school experience through events and fundraising for resources such as field trips, guest speakers, music, technology and library and gym equipment beyond district and provincial funding.


Currently, the PAC is in need of filling two executive roles, Secretary and District PAC Representative.


Secretary Responsibilities are:

  • Record minutes at general and executive meetings
  • Distribute meeting minutes in a timely manner
  • Start executive nominations for coming year
  • Bring agendas and minutes for distribution at PAC meetings
  • Meet with executive prior to PAC meetings when necessary
  • Keep a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and submit new copy to the school principal if updated
  • Issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the PAC
  • Check PAC email account and forward pertinent info, delete junk mail or obsolete correspondence
  • Keep necessary records of the PAC
  • Volunteer time for PAC/school events

District PAC Representative Responsibilities are:

  • Attend monthly District PAC meetings
  • Provide report of District PAC meetings at General PAC meetings
  • Volunteer time for PAC/school events

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the Secretary position, please email your interest to Trish Medynski at:


The next PAC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29 in the Heath staff room or on Zoom. (Link will be available closer to the date).

Stay up to date with all the PAC information by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser


Heath PAC will be selling $2 donuts at lunch on Wednesday, October 23. Primary students will be able to pre-order their donuts with their teacher in the morning. All intermediate students can purchase donuts when they are dismissed to go outside at lunch in the undercover area.


School Calendar


Monday, October 21 Photo Retakes
Monday, October 21-Thursday, October 24 Home Conferences
Wednesday, October 23 Primary Pumpkin Patch at Heath
Wednesday, October 23 PAC $2 Donut Fundraiser
Friday, October 25 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)
Tuesday, October 29 PAC Meeting 6:00pm
Tuesday, October 29 Gr.6 Volleyball Home Game 3:30 pm
Thursday, October 31 Diwali
Thursday, October 31 Halloween
Friday, November 1 Pajama Day

Week of October 15-18


Dear Heath Families,

Canadian Thanksgiving will be held on Monday, October 14th. Thanksgiving is a time for celebrating all the blessings of the past year and giving thanks to those who have helped us along the way.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”—William Arthur Ward

On behalf of the staff at Heath Elementary, we wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! We hope this weekend finds you with moments of gratitude and togetherness with family and friends. We all have so much to be thankful for.


Emergency Preparedness – Great British Columbia ShakeOut 

On Thursday, October 17 at 10:17a.m., students and staff across the district will practice how to “Drop, Cover and Hold On” during the Great British Columbia ShakeOut Earthquake drill. B.C. is the most seismically active area of Canada, and experiences thousands of minor earthquakes each year. The Great British Columbia ShakeOut is an annual opportunity for individuals, communities, schools and organizations to practice essential earthquake safety measures.  Beyond the drill, everyone is encouraged to review and update their emergency preparedness plans and supplies.

Reminder: This year, the district has introduced a new annual Emergency Preparedness Fee of $10 per student. This is to cover the maintenance and replenishment of emergency provisions, including food, water and first aid items, to help care for students in case of a large-scale incident such as an earthquake. If you haven’t paid the $10 fee already, please send cash or a cheque (made payable to the name of your child’s school) to the school office. If your family requires financial support in relation to this fee, please contact the school office. Discretion will be maintained.


New Form on Parent Connect

Thank you to all the families that have signed on and given permissions on Parent Connect. There has been a new form added for all schools in Delta. The form serves to provide fair notice and related information regarding the VTRA process that we undertake when the presence of a potential threat is realized.  We are asking that you sign permission for this additional form as soon as possible.


Stay Home When Sick

The COVID/cold/flu season has begun now that we are all together. To keep our school as healthy as possible for students and staff, the best defence we have is for people to stay home when not well.  All staff and students should check themselves for signs and symptoms of illness each day prior to arriving at school. Please remember to call the school and record an absence for each day your child will not be attending. Please remember to leave your child’s first and last name, the division and/or teacher and the reason for the absence.


Walk Your Wheels On The Playground

For the safety of everyone, please remind your children they must walk their bikes, scooters, skateboards etc. when on the school grounds.


Dress for the Weather

We are approaching the time of year when it is cooler and can be very rainy. Just a reminder to make sure your children come to school dressed appropriately for playing outside at recess and lunchtime (e.g. boots, jacket, hat, gloves, etc.), and perhaps also pack an extra pair of socks and pants into their backpacks for really rainy days! In the case of extremely poor weather, a decision will be made by staff to designate the recess and/or lunch hour as an “in day”, which means that students are to stay inside and play quietly in their classrooms rather than venture outdoors. We refrain from doing this unless absolutely necessary, as the children need the opportunity to get out in the fresh air and be physically active before heading back into the classroom (and besides, rain is just a fact of life of our West Coast climate).


Heath Crossing Guard Needed

We are in need of an after-school Crossing Guard every day after school. This is an important position to keep our students and community safe while crossing 72 Avenue. This is a paid CUPE position. Please email with a resume if interested.





Basketball Club in North Delta

A new basketball club has opened in North Delta. The Fall camp has just started but is still accepting players. Please visit  for more information.


PAC News

The Heath PAC is an opportunity for parents and guardians to partner with their child’s school and contribute to the school community. The PAC is created for parents to have a voice in matters affecting the school including programs, policies, activities, and the overall community. PACs also enhance the school experience through events and fundraising for resources such as field trips, guest speakers, music, technology and library and gym equipment beyond district and provincial funding.

Currently, the PAC is in need of filling two executive roles, Secretary and District PAC Representative.

Secretary Responsibilities are:

  • Record minutes at general and executive meetings
  • Distribute meeting minutes in a timely manner
  • Start executive nominations for coming year
  • Bring agendas and minutes for distribution at PAC meetings
  • Meet with executive prior to PAC meetings when necessary
  • Keep a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and submit new copy to the school principal if updated
  • Issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the PAC
  • Check PAC email account and forward pertinent info, delete junk mail or obsolete correspondence
  • Keep necessary records of the PAC
  • Volunteer time for PAC/school events

District PAC Representative Responsibilities are:

  • Attend monthly District PAC meetings
  • Provide report of District PAC meetings at General PAC meetings
  • Volunteer time for PAC/school events

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the Secretary position, please email your interest to Trish Medynski at:


The next PAC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29 in the Heath staff room or on Zoom. (Link will be available closer to the date).

Stay up to date with all the PAC information by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar


Monday, October 14 Thanksgiving (School is Closed)
Tuesday, October 15 2nd Camp Deposit Due
Wednesday, October 16 Cross Country Challenge at Sunshine Hills 3:30 pm
Thursday, October 17 Shakeout BC
Saturday, October 19 Provincial Election
Monday, October 21 Photo Retakes
Monday, October 21-Wednesday, October 23 Home Conferences
Wednesday, October 23 PAC $2 Donut Fundraiser
Friday, October 25 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)
Tuesday, October 29 PAC Meeting 6:00 pm

Week of October 7-11


Dear Heath Families,


Playground Update

As you have noticed, our primary playground is under construction. Over the next two weeks, District maintenance staff will be working on the site installing the border. As there will be moving machines and people working with hand tools, we ask that, for everyone’s safety, to stay away from the area.


Camp Jubilee April 2025

Calling all Grade 5, 6, 7 families! We are in dire need of more students to join the adventure at Camp Jubilee in April. We have many new families that joined Heath in September and would very much like them to participate in the outdoor education program at Camp Jubilee. The outdoor learning environment will include activities such as ocean kayaking, shelter building, archery, low ropes, and a variety of other team building activities.

Unfortunately, we do not have the initial forecasted student participation and may need to consider cancelling the outdoor experience for the second year in a row. An email and letter will be coming home tomorrow to further explain.


Stay Home When Sick

The COVID/cold/flu season has begun now that we are all together. To keep our school as healthy as possible for students and staff, the best defence we have is for people to stay home when not well.  All staff and students should check themselves for signs and symptoms of illness each day prior to arriving at school. Please remember to call the school and record an absence for each day your child will not be attending. Please remember to leave your child’s first and last name, the division and/or teacher and the reason for the absence.


Dogs on School Grounds

For many people, dogs are important members of the family, and we know that many enjoy walking to and from school with them. Please note, we do have some friendly reminders about dogs at school:

  • Dogs must be leashed at all times– our school ground are not an off-leash area on the fields, forest or around the blacktop areas.
  • Please be mindful that not everyone is comfortable with dogs. Some of our students and parents are fearful of dogs. If your dog can be overly excitable or feels threatened/anxious easily, please avoid busy times such as pick-up and drop-off times. Please also make sure you always have a good handle on your pet.
  • Please clean up after your dog! If you have forgotten/run out of dog poop bags, we have extras in the office. Please come ask!


Walk Your Wheels On The Playground

For the safety of everyone, please remind your children they must walk their bikes, scooters, skateboards etc. when on the school grounds.



Dress for the Weather

We are approaching the time of year when it is cooler and can be very rainy. Just a reminder to make sure your children come to school dressed appropriately for playing outside at recess and lunchtime (e.g. boots, jacket, hat, gloves, etc.), and perhaps also pack an extra pair of socks and pants into their backpacks for really rainy days! In the case of extremely poor weather, a decision will be made by staff to designate the recess and/or lunch hour as an “in day”, which means that students are to stay inside and play quietly in their classrooms rather than venture outdoors. We refrain from doing this unless absolutely necessary, as the children need the opportunity to get out in the fresh air and be physically active before heading back into the classroom (and besides, rain is just a fact of life of our West Coast climate).


Heath Thunderbirds Spirit Wear

The deadline for our new Thunderbird Spirit Wear orders is on Tuesday, October 8. If you would like to order a t-shirt, hoodie, or sweatshirt, please use the order form available at the office or with your child’s teacher.



District Info

International Programs Homestay

Delta School District International Programs is currently recruiting homestay families for international students coming to Delta School District for February 2025, summer 2025, and September 2025. They will arrive from all over the world and have a strong desire to be in Delta.

The reimbursement for hosting is $1,150 per month. Multiple students from different nationalities can be hosted in one home. The majority of students in the homestay program are from Germany, Japan, Spain, Italy, and Brazil. At the moment, more that 20 different countries are represented in the homestay program.

Many are looking for a family connection and being a part of a family during their stay in Delta. Their study periods range from 3 months to half a school year, to a full school year, to multiple years. There are also short-term summer programs where host parents welcome younger English learners into their home. It is a great way for students to see what school (and life) in Delta is like and for new homestay families to get a small sample of what hosting is like.

If you are interested in hosting, please reach out to If you are not able to host but know of a family who can, please send them our way. There are referral bonuses available for referring families.



Basketball Club in North Delta

A new basketball club has opened in North Delta. The Fall camp has just started but is still accepting players. Please visit  for more information.


PAC News

The Heath PAC is an opportunity for parents and guardians to partner with their child’s school and contribute to the school community. The PAC is created for parents to have a voice in matters affecting the school including programs, policies, activities, and the overall community. PACs also enhance the school experience through events and fundraising for resources such as field trips, guest speakers, music, technology and library and gym equipment beyond district and provincial funding.

Currently, the PAC is in need of filling two executive roles, Secretary and District PAC Representative.

Secretary Responsibilities are:

  • Record minutes at general and executive meetings
  • Distribute meeting minutes in a timely manner
  • Start executive nominations for coming year
  • Bring agendas and minutes for distribution at PAC meetings
  • Meet with executive prior to PAC meetings when necessary
  • Keep a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and submit new copy to the school principal if updated
  • Issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the PAC
  • Check PAC email account and forward pertinent info, delete junk mail or obsolete correspondence
  • Keep necessary records of the PAC
  • Volunteer time for PAC/school events

District PAC Representative Responsibilities are:

  • Attend monthly District PAC meetings
  • Provide report of District PAC meetings at General PAC meetings
  • Volunteer time for PAC/school events

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the Secretary position, please email your interest to Trish Medynski at:

Stay up to date with all the PAC information by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC


School Calendar

Tuesday, October 8 Spirit Wear Orders Due to Office
Wednesday, October 9 & Thursday, October 10 Saleema Noon Student Sessions
Monday, October 14 Thanksgiving (School is Closed)
Tuesday, October 15 2nd Camp Deposit Due
Wednesday, October 16 Cross Country Challenge at Sunshine Hills 3:30 pm
Thursday, October 17 Shakeout BC
Saturday, October 19 Provincial Election
Monday, October 21-Wednesday, October 23 Home Conferences
Wednesday, October 23 PAC $2 Donut Fundraiser
Friday, October 25 Pro-D Day (School is not in session)
Tuesday, October 29 PAC Meeting 6:00pm






Week of October 1 

Dear Heath Families,

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

This year, as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting Indigenous Reconciliation, the district hosted its first ever Walk for Truth and Reconciliation. Students and staff across the district participated in the walk to honour the legacy of Residential school survivors and raise awareness about the importance of Reconciliation in Canada.

Following the walk, a ceremony was held outside Delta Manor Education Centre in Ladner which included words of wisdom from members of the Musqueam Indian Band and Tsawwassen First Nation, as well as students and staff. To view a recording of the ceremony, please visit:


Monday, September 30 marks Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. If you’re wondering what you can do to recognize and honour the day, here are a few simple steps towards Reconciliation:


At Heath Elementary, less than half of the students were given “Walking Field Trip” permission so we were only able to walk within our school grounds.

In order for your children to not lose out on great opportunities,

Please log onto Parent Connect:

Use your email account (this is the easiest way to get in) and password (if you have forgotten your password click on “forgot my password” and your password will be emailed to you). You must allow for ‘Pop Ups’ on your computer. You can then access all your children at the school. You will need to do this for each of your children attending Heath.

Please make sure all family demographics are up to date so that in the case of an emergency, the school can be in contact.  Any changes can be made by calling or bringing new information to the school office.

To add Emergency Release information, click on the light blue button “Emergency/Out of Prov/Other Contacts.”

Click on the “Select” button on the left side of the screen and add contact on the right side of the screen. Add no more than 3 names using type ER-Emergency Release and add 1 name using type OP-Out Of Province Contact.

Once you have completed your changes/additions to your child’s Emergency Release information click on the “Bulletin” tab on the screen and give your consent/permission to ALL of the following:

  • Demographic Information up-to-date
  • Emergency Release Information up-to-date
  • Mac Computer Permission form
  • Photographs/Video/Website Consent (in addition to returning the signed consent form)
  • GAFE Permission – (Google Apps for Education)
  • Fruit and Vegetable Consent form
  • Walking Field Trip
  • Outside Media Consent form

These show on two screens, once you have SAVED the first three the other one will show. Repeat for all children attending Heath.

When you log on to Parent Connect, please read the rules about outside media in schools. If you do NOT want your child involved with outside media activities, please print off the form to fill out.

Please take a few minutes to complete all these important forms as soon as possible


World Teachers’ Day October 5


World Teachers’ Day is held annually on October 5th to celebrate all teachers around the globe. The theme for 2024 is, “Empowering Educators: Strengthening Resilience, Building Sustainability “. Please join us in saying a huge, “Thank You!” to all the teachers at Heath who work so hard to inspire, guide and educate our students and make our school a great place to be.



Krispy Kreme $2 Fundraiser

We will be having our first $2 Donut Fundraiser on Wednesday, Oct. 2. Primary students will be able to pre-order their donuts with their teacher in the morning. All intermediate students will be able to purchase donuts when they are dismissed to go outside at lunch in the undercover area.



Walk Your Wheels On The Playground

For the safety of everyone, please remind your children they must walk their bikes, scooters, skateboards etc. when on the school grounds.



Heath Thunderbirds Spirit Wear

Great news everyone!  We are collecting orders for Heath Thunderbirds Spirit Wear!  If you would like to order a t-shirt, hoodie, or sweatshirt, please use the order form available at the office or with your child’s teacher.

Orders can be placed until October 8 with delivery to the school taking place about three weeks after this date.  Please contact the office if you have any questions and we are looking forward to seeing our students showing off their school pride!


District Info

International Programs Homestay

Delta School District International Programs is currently recruiting homestay families for international students coming to Delta School District for February 2025, summer 2025, and September 2025. They will arrive from all over the world and have a strong desire to be in Delta.

The reimbursement for hosting is $1,150 per month. Multiple students from different nationalities can be hosted in one home. The majority of students in the homestay program are from Germany, Japan, Spain, Italy, and Brazil. At the moment, more that 20 different countries are represented in the homestay program.

Many are looking for a family connection and being a part of a family during their stay in Delta. Their study periods range from 3 months to half a school year, to a full school year, to multiple years. There are also short-term summer programs where host parents welcome younger English learners into their home. It is a great way for students to see what school (and life) in Delta is like and for new homestay families to get a small sample of what hosting is like.

If you are interested in hosting, please reach out to If you are not able to host but know of a family who can, please send them our way. There are referral bonuses available for referring families.



Canadian Dental Care Plan

The application for the Canada Dental Care Plan is for people under the age of 18 years old at the moment. We are trying to reach out to every family in the Fraser Valley.

Applications are currently open for Persons with disabilities and children under 18. The program will then expand to all eligible Canadian residents as of 2025. Please see attached poster for more information.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) aims at reducing the costs of dental care for Canadian residents who have a family net income of less than $90,000 per year. If you have any questions, would like more information on Service Canada programs, services and benefits, or if you would like to plan an outreach activity with them, please do not hesitate to contact Julie Veer  by return email or phone at cell: 236-380-0587



PAC News

The Heath PAC is an opportunity for parents and guardians to partner with their child’s school and contribute to the school community. The PAC is created for parents to have a voice in matters affecting the school including programs, policies, activities, and the overall community. PACs also enhance the school experience through events and fundraising for resources such as field trips, guest speakers, music, technology and library and gym equipment beyond district and provincial funding.

Currently, the PAC is in need of filling two executive roles,  Secretary and District PAC Representative.

Secretary Responsibilities are:

  • Record minutes at general and executive meetings
  • Distribute meeting minutes in a timely manner
  • Start executive nominations for coming year
  • Bring agendas and minutes for distribution at PAC meetings
  • Meet with executive prior to PAC meetings when necessary
  • Keep a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and submit new copy to the school principal if updated
  • Issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the PAC
  • Check PAC email account and forward pertinent info, delete junk mail or obsolete correspondence
  • Keep necessary records of the PAC
  • Volunteer time for PAC/school events

District PAC Representative Responsibilities are:

  • Attend monthly District PAC meetings
  • Provide report of District PAC meetings at General PAC meetings
  • Volunteer time for PAC/school events

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the Secretary position, please email your interest to Trish Medynski at:


Stay up to date with all the PAC information by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC



School Calendar

 Monday, September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (School is closed)
Tuesday, October 1 Saleema Noon Parent Zoom Session 6:30 pm
Wednesday, October 2 Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser $2
Friday, October 4 Individual Student Photos
Wednesday, October 9 & Thursday, October 10 Saleema Noon Student Sessions
Tuesday, October 15 2nd Camp Deposit Due
Wednesday, October 16 Cross Country Challenge at Sunshine Hills 3:30 pm







Week of September 23

Dear Heath Families,

It was great to see so many smiling faces at our Open House last week! Also last week, our grade 4-5 students participated in a Learn2Ride, introductory cycling course. The students were taught by trained instructors, basic road rules, safe cycling concepts, and bike handling skills on the schoolgrounds. They also learned about helmets and the importance of wearing them.

Did you know?

  • In British Columbia there is a helmet law that applies to all ages and it came into effect from September 1996?
  • It is critical for your child to wear a bike helmet that fits properly and is certified by CSA International?
  • There are newly designed Bold Helmets for children that wear a patka?


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation / Orange Shirt Day

September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  This important day is an opportunity to take some time to reflect on the truth of Canada’s past and the harmful legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools and ways we can move towards reconciliation.  If you are looking for support and resources to help deepen your own understanding, start by reading the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action

September 30 is also Orange Shirt Day.  Between the 1860s and the 1990s, approximately 150,000 Métis, Inuit and First Nations children were sent to church-run residential schools.  Residential schools harmed Indigenous children by removing them from their families, forcing them to speak English or French instead of their ancestral languages, disconnecting them from their culture and traditions and forcing them to adopt Christianity to assimilate into Canadian society.

As the school will be closed on this day, we will be acknowledging both days on Friday, September 27th.  Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange in remembrance and respect to the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada.

We are encouraging everyone to wear something orange on Friday and we will be participating in a Walk for Reconciliation around the school property. Following the walk, we will participate in a district ceremony on-line.

For more information about both important days, and to see what the Delta School District is doing as we work towards reconciliation, please see the following brochure.

Brochure for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Final)


Heath Thunderbirds Spirit Wear

Great news everyone!  We are collecting orders for Heath Thunderbirds Spirit Wear!  If you would like to order a t-shirt, hoodie, or sweatshirt, please use the order form available at the office or with your child’s teacher.

Orders can be placed until October 8 with delivery to the school taking place about three weeks after this date.  Please contact the office if you have any questions and we are looking forward to seeing our students showing off their school pride!


District Info

International Programs Homestay

Delta School District International Programs is currently recruiting homestay families for international students coming to Delta School District for February 2025, summer 2025, and September 2025. They will arrive from all over the world and have a strong desire to be in Delta.


The reimbursement for hosting is $1,150 per month. Multiple students from different nationalities can be hosted in one home. The majority of students in the homestay program are from Germany, Japan, Spain, Italy, and Brazil. At the moment, more that 20 different countries are represented in the homestay program.


Many are looking for a family connection and being a part of a family during their stay in Delta. Their study periods range from 3 months to half a school year, to a full school year, to multiple years. There are also short-term summer programs where host parents welcome younger English learners into their home. It is a great way for students to see what school (and life) in Delta is like and for new homestay families to get a small sample of what hosting is like.


If you are interested in hosting, please reach out to If you are not able to host but know of a family who can, please send them our way. There are referral bonuses available for referring families.


PAC News

The Heath PAC is an opportunity for parents and guardians to partner with their child’s school and contribute to the school community. The PAC is created for parents to have a voice in matters affecting the school including programs, policies, activities, and the overall community. PACs also enhance the school experience through events and fundraising for resources such as field trips, guest speakers, music, technology and library and gym equipment beyond district and provincial funding.

Please join us for the first PAC meeting on Tuesday, September 24th in the Heath Staff room at 6:00 pm.

This meeting will also be available on Zoom for those unable to make it in person.

Click: to start or join the scheduled Zoom Meeting.

Stay up to date with all the PAC information by joining our Facebook page Heath PAC

To contact a PAC member please email


School Calendar

Tuesday, September 24 SWIS Welcome to Schools 9:00-10:30 am
Tuesday, September 24 PAC Meeting in person and Zoom 6:00 pm
Friday, September 27 Walk for Truth & Reconciliation and Assembly
 Monday, September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (School is closed)
Tuesday, October 1 Saleema Noon Parent Session
Wednesday, October 2 Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser $2
Friday, October 4 Individual Student Photos







Week of September 16 

Dear Heath Families,

We had a terrific first full week of school with two assemblies to commemorate Terry Fox. We were fortunate to have a Terry Fox Ambassador, Huy, join us on Tuesday to help us understand the importance of donating and running for Terry. Our students did a great job as respectful audience members as well as participating in our very wet run on Friday!



Road Safety

Pick up times can be busy and we have limited parking around the school. Due to this, we encourage families to walk to and from school if possible. To help us continue to keep our students and staff safe during pick up and drop off time, parents can do the following:

  • Keep our staff parking lot and front of the school clear of parent vehicles.
  • Park only in the designated spots.
  • The quick drop off/pick-up area is not for parking, please do not leave your vehicle
  • Make sure your children are walking on designated walking paths while near the staff parking lot and not cutting through
  • Follow all road signs to ensure you are parked safely and legally



Walk Your Wheels On The Playground – For the safety of everyone, please remind your children they must walk their bikes, scooters, skateboards etc. when on the school grounds.



Stay Home When Sick

The COVID/cold/flu season has begun now that we are all together. To keep our school as healthy as possible for students and staff, the best defence we have is for people to stay home when not well.  All staff and students should check themselves for signs and symptoms of illness each day prior to arriving at school. Please remember to call the school and record an absence for each day your child will not be attending. Please remember to leave your child’s first and last name, the division and/or teacher and the reason for the absence.



Dress for the Weather

We are approaching the time of year when it is cooler and can be very rainy. Just a reminder to make sure your children come to school dressed appropriately for playing outside at recess and lunchtime (e.g. boots, jacket, hat, gloves, etc.), and perhaps also pack an extra pair of socks and pants into their backpacks for really rainy days! In the case of extremely poor weather, a decision will be made by staff to designate the recess and/or lunch hour as an “in day”, which means that students are to stay inside and play quietly in their classrooms rather than venture outdoors. We refrain from doing this unless absolutely necessary, as the children need the opportunity to get out in the fresh air and be physically active before heading back into the classroom (and besides, rain is just a fact of life of our West Coast climate).


School-Wide Medical Alert

Several of our students have life-threatening allergies to eggs, peanuts, nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias), and sesame seeds. Exposure to even tiny amounts of nut particles – residue on a desk, a book, a door handle, a computer keyboard, or a drinking fountain – may be enough to trigger a reaction. Please help us create a safe environment for them by keeping foods containing eggs, nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds at home. Several companies are now making nut-free snacks and we encourage you to look for these new products when shopping. Other names for peanuts and other nuts include: arachide, arachis oil, beer nuts, goober nuts, goober peas, ground nuts, kernels, mandelonas, nut meals, valencias, anacardium nuts, calisson, marzipan, pinion, Queensland nut (macadamia). Label reading is the key to sending safe, egg-free and nut-free foods to school. Please do your part to ensure our school environment is a safe one for all our students. THANK YOU!!

Administration of Medication

Schools are required to maintain a safe procedure for dispensing medications. We would like to have information regarding medication administration within the first two weeks of school. If your child is required to take medication at school, please request a Request for Administration of Medication at School form from the office. These forms must be completed each year and are required to be signed by your physician.


Welcome Back Open House

Heath will be hosting a Welcome Back open house for the school community this Thursday from 5:00 – 6:00pm. Please enter through the front door and proceed to your child’s classroom. Intermediate families will spend a portion of the time in the classroom and then be a part of a presentation in the Library. We will have our multicultural worker, Ms. Dhaliwal, at the school to assist with any families in need.


Parent Connect – Permission is Required for Every Student

Even if you think you have already completed these steps, please log on and double-check

Please log onto Parent Connect:

Use your email account (this is the easiest way to get in) and password (if you have forgotten your password click on “forgot my password” and your password will be emailed to you). You must allow for ‘Pop Ups’ on your computer. You can then access all your children at the school. You will need to do this for each of your children attending Heath.

Please make sure all family demographics are up to date so that in the case of an emergency, the school can be in contact.  Any changes can be made by calling or bringing new information to the school office.

To add Emergency Release information, click on the light blue button “Emergency/Out of Prov/Other Contacts.”

Click on the “Select” button on the left side of the screen and add contact on the right side of the screen. Add no more than 3 names using type ER-Emergency Release and add 1 name using type OP-Out Of Province Contact.

Once you have completed your changes/additions to your child’s Emergency Release information click on the “Bulletin” tab on the screen and give your consent/permission to ALL of the following:

  • Emergency Release Information up-to-date
  • Mac Computer Permission form
  • Photographs/Video/Website Consent (in addition to returning the signed consent form)
  • GAFE Permission – (Google Apps for Education)
  • Fruit and Vegetable Consent form
  • Walking Field Trip
  • Outside Media Consent form
  • Demographic Information up-to-date

These show on two screens, once you have SAVED the first three the other one will show. Repeat for all children attending Heath. When you log on to Parent Connect, please read the rules about outside media in schools. If you do NOT want your child involved with outside media activities, please print off the form to fill out.

Please take a few minutes to complete all these important forms as soon as possible. If you are having difficulty, please join us at the Open House for assistance. Make sure to check the accuracy of the email address you have given to the office as this will help with the process


District Info


Strong Start

All district StrongStart ( for children not yet in Kindergarten and their caregivers re-opened for families on Sept. 11. StrongStart facilitators were helping with Kindergarten welcome events at their school this week and are excited to be welcoming new and returning families to the program. No advance registration is required. Programs run 9-12 at Port Guichon, Heath, Chalmers, Jarvis, Hellings and McCloskey (MC also has an afternoon program from 1-4pm). Families are welcome to attend anytime during program hours but we always recommend that if families are attending for the first time that the drop in during the first half which is usually open play time.  BGC operates a similar program, Family Resource Centres (, at Gibson Elementary and the Ladner ECD Hub. The Francophone school district operates the only Tsawwassen StrongStart ( Ecole du Bois-Joli.


Separation Anxiety Parent Resources

Materials to help parents with first time entry into school and return to school. Highlighting a topic or two in your newsletters can help parents with how to help their children.



Girls Only Multi-sport & More

Prepare for an enriching experience with PacificSport Fraser Valley’s Multi-Sport weekly fall program! This program is tailored for young adventurers eager to explore different sports. Our weekly fall program offers a variety of different sports unveiling a new activity each day. Our Multi-Sport and More Programs fostering a holistic development, prioritizing fun, Inclusivity, and personal growth within a nurturing, non-competitive atmosphere. Join us for weekly of holistic exploration and joyful discovery at PacificSports weekly fall programs.

These programs are a great way to introduce your child to sports in a friendly, safe, and fun environment. Our facilitators are qualified coaches and deliver top-notch experiences.

When: October 10th to December 12th from 5:15-6:30

Where: North Delta Rec Centre

Address: 11415 84 Ave, Delta

Who: Self Identifying Females Ages 6-12

* maximum 20 participants

Cost: $20 total for 10 weekly sessions

Click here to register: Multi-Sport and More Girls Only North Delta Ages 6-12 Weekly Program

PAC News

Please join us for the first PAC meeting on Tuesday, September 17th  in the Heath Staff room at 6:00 pm.

Did you know the PAC has a Facebook page? MWBT

“Heath Elementary PAC”, has been created and advertises PAC and school events. As this page is created for “Information Only”, any questions can be emailed directly to the PAC’s Gmail account.


School Calendar

Tuesday, September 17 PAC Meeting 6:00 pm
Thursday, September 19 Heath Open House 5:00-6:00 pm
Friday, September 20 Professional Development Day (School is not in session)
Friday, September 27 Walk for Truth & Reconciliation and Assembly
 Monday, September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (School is closed)
Wednesday, October 2 Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser $2
Friday, October 4 Individual Student Photos






Week of June 24


As this school year enters its final days, I would like to express how incredibly proud I am of the hard work displayed by both our students and staff.


It is hard to believe the end of the school year is nearly upon us! As we look forward to the summer holidays, I would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to all of you for the support and kindness you have shown over the past year.  We have shared many great experiences, and I appreciate what a wonderful community I work in and am grateful to be a Thunderbird!

On behalf of the entire staff, I would also like to say a huge thank you to the PAC and our community for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon on Thursday.  The food was delicious, and everyone is grateful for the recognition.  Thank you!


I would like to extend a special congratulations to our Grade 7 students as they finish elementary school.  To all our Grade 7s, I would like to say thank you for the leadership you have provided to our school over the past year, and I wish you all the best in high school!

For those families leaving us at the end of this month, I wish you well in your new school communities and know that you will continue to achieve great things in the years ahead.

As wonderful as summer is, it can set some kids back in their learning. We encourage all our students to keep reading. It can be newspapers, comics, novels, or even menus in restaurants. The key is to keep practising. The same thing can be said for math. Have younger kids identify numbers around them like the price of gas, items on your grocery list or amount of tax on a local restaurant bill. Math doesn’t have to be from a book to be meaningful. Our local library, George Mackie, is a great resource for summer learning. I encourage students and parents to sign up for the free Summer Reading Club.

On behalf of the staff at Heath Elementary I would like to wish everyone a safe, healthy, and fun summer vacation.  I look forward to seeing most of you back in the fall!




Staff Changes

As you may already be aware, we will be saying goodbye to several staff members at the end of the school year. We would like to recognize the following staff who are leaving Heath Elementary at the end of the school year:

  • Ms. Yeung (Grade 6/7 Teacher)
  • Ms. Sandberg (Grade 5/6 Teacher)
  • Ms. Stone (Kindergarten Teacher)
  • Ms. Kim (Learning Support Teacher)
  • Ms. Unlucay (Teacher Librarian)
  • Ms. Aston (Teacher Librarian)
  • Ms. Moore (School Counsellor)
  • Ms. Kaur (Education Assistant)
  • Ms. Benipal (Noonhour Supervisor)

We would like to thank all these staff members for the huge contribution they have made to our learning community and wish them the best in their new assignments!


Term 3 Report Cards

Will be available on Parent Connect on Thursday, June 27.  An email will be sent to families once the reports become available for viewing.



Restricting cellphone usage in schools

In preparation for all families to be aware when coming back to school in September, please read below for a statement from the Delta School District.


In January 2024, the provincial government announced plans to restrict the use of cellphones in schools. Research shows that frequent cellphone interruption in the classroom, social media platforms with addictive algorithms and predators who seek to exploit young people all present significant risks to young people. The district emailed all families on June 20 regarding this new restriction, which comes into effect on July 1, 2024. The procedure specific to Elementary Schools states that:

Personal digital devices are not to be used at any time during the school day, including during instructional time, recess, lunch and field trips.


Please click here to read the letter:


Lost and Found

Items in our lost and found area will be bagged and donated to charity by the end of this week. Please make sure all your children come home with their belongings.


Community Information


Community Food Resources & Supports for Families



Address: 9097 120 Street, Delta. BC

Contact: (604) 594-3455



How to register with North Delta Food bank:

  1. Call our Delta Assist office at 604-594-3455 and leave your name, and phone number with reception
  2. Be available for an intake call to register with the Food bank from 10 – 3 Monday and Tuesday
  1. Be prepared to provide proof as requested.Be available to come at your assigned pick up time for assistance

Items of proof needed to apply for North Delta Food Bank assistance are:

  • D. for all members in household
  • Proof of residency in North Delta

Guru Nanak North Delta Food Bank:

  • Open-Monday to Friday from 1:00pm-6:00pm
  • Open-Saturdays and Sunday from 11:00am-6:00pm
  • Location: 11188 84 avenue. Delta, BC 
  • Phone: 604-580-1313

Guru Nanak Surrey Location:

  • Open-Monday to Friday from 1:00pm-6:00pm
  • Open-Saturdays and Sunday from 11:00am-6:00pm
  • Location: 15299 68 avenue. Unit 101. Surrey, BC
  • Phone: 604-580-1313



  • Distribution times are: Mondays 5 – 6 PM, Tuesday 1-2 PM and Thursdays 10-11:30 AM.
  • New registrations will be taken on site during those hours: Please bring photo ID, proof of address and proof of income if you wish to register.

5337 180 Street. Surrey (back of building)



Address: 10732 City Parkway. Surrey, BC

Phone: 604-581-5443

Providing food support to residents of Surrey

How to access the Surrey Food Bank:

  1. Call 604.581.5443 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM and register for an appointment.
  2. Once you have your appointment, please bring:
  • Picture Identification
  • Proof of Address
  • Care Cards for all Dependents Living in your Home.



Address: 11838 – 88th Avenue Delta, BC

Phone: 604 596-8178

Access to free bread every Wednesday night at 6:45 pm in the Church parking lot.


Nick’s Nook Community Pantries 

  • Open 24/7 for those wanting to donate or for those in need of food support. There are four locations
  • #1 Northside Community Church  11300 84 Avenue
  • #2 New Hope Church 11838 88 Ave.
  • #3 Sunshine Ridge Church 6230 120th Street
  • #4 Crossroads Church 7655 120th Street




PAC News

Heath’s PAC pulled a fast one on Mr. T, our beloved music teacher, at the Summer Concert on Thursday. He was blown away with the recognition and the sentiment behind the award. Thank you for the thoughtfulness in recognizing how important Mr. T is for our Heath community.

On behalf of Heath PAC, I’d like to thank Pam and Nicole for their contributions to Heath over the past few years. We wish you many successes in your future endeavors.

I’d also like to acknowledge the impact Pam has had in supporting our Breakfast Club since December. I wish you and your family a safe voyage and adventure back East but am sad knowing that we will miss a wonderful and dedicated member of our community.


School Calendar


Monday, June 24 Grade 7 Celebration Assembly, Luncheon, and dance/activities
Tuesday, June 25 Year End Assembly
Wednesday, June 26 Division 6-9 at Centennial Beach
Thursday, June 27 Formal Reports Available on-line
Thursday, June 27 Last Day of School for Students. Early dismissal 10:30am
Tuesday, August 27 School Office Re-Opens for Registration
Tuesday, September 3 First Day of School